Acx Vs Bcx Plywood: In-Depth Understanding Of Their Differences - Wood Rated (2024)

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Plywood is a versatile and affordable material that can be used for a variety of applications, from home construction to furniture making. There are many different types of plywood available on the market, each with its own unique set of properties and benefits. Acx vs Bcx plywood, we will help you understand the difference.

Two of the most popular types of plywood are acx plywood and bcx plywood. Both of these types of plywood are made from wood that has been treated with chemicals and pressed together to form a strong, durable sheet. However, there are some important differences between acx plywood and bcx plywood that you should be aware of before making a purchase.

One of the biggest differences between acx plywood and bcx plywood is the way that they are made. Acx plywood is made by pressing together multiple layers of wood veneer, while bcx plywood is made by laminating multiple layers of wood together. This difference in construction method gives each type of plywood different properties and benefits.

The main difference between ACX and BCX plywood is that ACX plywood is made with a higher quality of wood, while BCX plywood is made with a lower quality of wood. ACX plywood is also more expensive than BCX plywood.

Acx plywood is known for being very strong and durable, making it an ideal choice for applications where a high degree of strength is required. It is also resistant to warping and shrinking, making it an excellent choice for outdoor use. Bcx plywood, on the other hand, is not as strong as acx plywood and is more likely to warp or shrink over time. However, it is still a very durable type of plywood and can be used in a variety of applications.

What Is ACX Plywood?

Acx Vs Bcx Plywood: In-Depth Understanding Of Their Differences - Wood Rated (1)

ACX plywood is a type of engineered wood that is made by laminating multiple layers of veneer. The word “ACX” stands for “Aspen Core Xtra”, which refers to the fact that this plywood has an aspen core with cross-bands on either side. These cross-bands help to make the plywood more stable and less likely to warp.

ACX plywood is also often made with a waterproof adhesive, which makes it ideal for outdoor use.

ACX plywood is made from the highest quality material, so it will be more expensive and it will last longer than BCX. It’s sometimes referred to as “appearance” grade because of its smooth finish that will look great in your project. You can also buy ACX plywood pre-finished with a low luster clear coat varnish or another type of finish.

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Examples of ACX Plywood Include:

1. Acrylic

It is a type of acx that has been laminated with acrylic to increase its durability and give it the glossy finish that it has.

2. Ipe

It is a type of acx made from Brazilian hardwood.

3. Koa

It is a type of acx that has been laminated with koa, which gives it the hardness and durability needed for exterior applications.

What Is ACX Used For?

ACX plywood is perfect for any project that requires the highest quality material possible. They include:

1. Cabinetry

ACX plywood is used for cabinets because it will make them stronger. Since the material is so high quality, you can expect ACX to last a lifetime without any problems like warping or bowing.

2. Marine Applications

Because ACX is made from the highest quality materials, it’s perfect for any exterior project that will be used in a marine environment. ACX plywood resists rot and mildew so you can expect this to last even longer than other types of wood.

3. Musical Instruments

When you purchase ACX plywood, it’s also available in a wide range of thicknesses (¼” and ½”). This means that your instrument will be the perfect shape and size for its design.

4. Commercial Applications

If you’re running a business, acx plywood is the way to go because it’s so durable. You can choose from seven different veneers depending on which type of wood would work best for your project.

How To Use ACX Plywood

The best way to use acx plywood is by purchasing it pre-finished. This will make the installation process easier, and you won’t have to worry about applying a finish yourself because of how durable it already is.

Thickness For Plywood

Plywood is available in a variety of thicknesses, from 1/8 inch to 1 1/2 inches. The thickness you need will depend on the project you are working on. For example, 1/2-inch plywood is often used for floors and walls, while 1/4-inch plywood is often used for cabinets and shelves.

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Pros And Cons Of ACX


  • ACX plywood is very durable and strong.
  • It’s resistant to all types of weather.


  • The cost is a little bit higher, but it’s worth it for the quality.

What Is BCX Plywood?

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BCX plywood is a type of engineered wood that is made by laminating multiple layers of veneer. The word “BCX” stands for “Birch Core Xtra”, which refers to the fact that this plywood has a birch core with cross-bands on either side. These cross-bands help to make the plywood more stable and less likely to warp. BCX plywood is also often made with a waterproof adhesive, which makes it ideal for outdoor use.

BCX plywood is made from straight-grained Douglas fir, so it’s naturally the best choice for exterior projects that will be exposed to sun and rain. It can also be used on interiors with low moisture, but this type isn’t appropriate if you plan on painting your project.

Examples Of BCX Plywood Include:

1.B/C Plywood

It is a type of bcx that has been laminated with paint on one side to create inexpensive, easy-to-print plywood that is perfect for light projects.

2. Birch Plywood

It is another type of bcx made from birch to create a plywood that has increased strength and durability.

Uses Of BCX

Because of its low cost and ease of use, bcx plywood is perfect for any project. It’s even easy to work with when you’re painting or staining your project because it doesn’t have a hard grain pattern like acx.

  1. Cabinetry
  2. Furniture
  3. The siding on houses or barns
  4. Fences around your home
  5. Sheds and other outdoor buildings

How To Use BCX Plywood

The best way to use bcx plywood is by applying a primer or sealer before you begin painting. You can even choose from different types of paints and stains so that the project looks as great as it possibly can.

Another option for using this type of plywood is by purchasing it pre-finished. The only downside is that bcx plywood isn’t as strong or durable as acx, so it’s best for small projects like cabinets and furniture where the quality doesn’t matter quite as much.

Pros And Cons Of BCX


  • It has a lower cost than acx plywood.
  • It can be used on any project.
  • The clear coat varnish makes it easy to use bcx for painting projects as well.


  • Quality isn’t as high, it’s not the best choice for large or complex projects where durability is important.
  • It will show wear-and-tear faster than acx because of how thin it is.
  • Absorbs moisture, which will cause the wood to warp and bow over time

The Differences: ACX vs BCX Plywood

Now that we have looked at what ACX and BCX plywood are, let’s take a look at the key differences between these two types of plywood.

  • Construction – ACX plywood is made by laminating multiple layers of veneer together, while BCX plywood is made by cross-banding multiple layers of veneer.
  • Strength – ACX plywood is stronger than BCX plywood and is less likely to warp or shrink over time.
  • Cost – ACX plywood is more expensive than BCX plywood.
  • Applications – ACX plywood is typically used for outdoor applications, while BCX plywood is typically used for indoor applications.

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Bcx vs Acx Plywood: How to Choose the Right Plywood

Acx Vs Bcx Plywood: In-Depth Understanding Of Their Differences - Wood Rated (3)

There are a few different things to consider before deciding which acx vs bcx plywood is right for your design:

1. Material

Determine which type of wood is best for your project. This will depend on the level of durability you’re looking for and what environment it’s going to be used in.

2. Size

The size of the plywood will depend on your design and what you want to do with it. You can choose from a wide range of different sizes for acx and bcx plywood.

3. Finishing

You’ll need to apply some type of finish to acx and bcx plywood in order to protect it. This is especially important if you’re using this type of wood for an exterior project.

4. Price

Both acx and bcx plywood come with a range of different price points, so it’s always best to comparison shop before making your final decision.

5. Specific Features

Different types of plywood have different features. For example, acx is typically more expensive than bcx because it has a hard grain pattern, is more durable and has a lower moisture content.

Grades For Plywood

Plywood is available in a variety of grades, which indicate the quality of the wood. The highest grade is A, followed by B, C, and D.

The names of the grades may vary depending on the manufacturer. For example, some manufacturers use the letters A, B, C, and D, while others use numbers like 1, 2, 3, and 4.

A grade Plywood– It has the highest quality and used for high-end projects.

B grade Plywood– It is good quality but may have more knots and imperfections.

C grade Plywood– It is lower quality and used for lower-end projects.

D grade Plywood– It is the lowest quality and not recommended for use in most projects.

The “A” Stands For Appearance Grade. The “C”- grade plywood is the highest quality, while D-grade is the lowest quality.

A- grade plywood is the highest quality, while D-grade is the lowest quality. ACX, BCX, CCX, DCX are all different types of plywood. ACX is the highest quality, while DCX is the lowest quality. For example, a CDX plywood sheet has two C-grade faces and one D-grade face.

This means that one side of the plywood sheet will be of a lower quality than the other two sides. CDX plywood is often used for sheathing, because the lower quality face can be hidden with siding or other materials.


is a type of plywood that has one side that is sanded smooth and the other side has a rough texture. ACX is often used for cabinets, shelves, and other projects where a smooth finish is desired.


Plywood is a type of plywood that has been laminated with paint on one side to create inexpensive, easy-to-print plywood that is perfect for light projects.

Birch plywood is another type of bcx made from birch to create a plywood that has a smooth finish on both sides. Birch plywood is often used for furniture, cabinets, and other projects where a smooth finish is desired.


Plywood is a type of plywood that has been laminated with a plastic on one side to create inexpensive, easy-to-print plywood that is perfect for light projects.


Plywood is a type of plywood that has been laminated with a plastic on both sides to create inexpensive, easy-to-print plywood that is perfect for light projects.

Top Mistakes Made When Using Plywood: Acx Vs Bcx Plywood

  1. Not using acx or bcx plywood for the right project. For example, if your building a deck outdoors then you should choose bcx.
  2. Not using the right fasteners when using plywood, like screws or nails designed for acx/bcx.
  3. Using the wrong adhesive. For example, bcx needs water-resistant glue to hold it together whereas acx can be glued with standard wood glue.
  4. Not using acx or bcx plywood in the right environment, like outdoors for acx and indoors for bcx.

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FAQs: ACX vs BCX Plywood

Difference Between Acx Vs Ccx Plywood?

The main difference between acx and ccx plywood is that acx plywood is made with a hardwood veneer, while ccx plywood is an exterior-grade plywood with a type of hardwood veneer known as the “A” side. Both types of plywood are suitable for outdoor use.

What Is Bcx Plywood Used For?

Bcx plywood is typically used for exterior applications because it is more resistant to moisture. It is also a bit cheaper than acx plywood.

How Do You Finish Acx Plywood?

Acx plywood can be finished with a variety of different products, including paint, stains, and varnishes. You can also use a water-resistant finish if the plywood will be exposed to moisture.

Acx Plywood Vs Birch, Which One Is Better?

There is no easy answer to this question. Both types of plywood have their own advantages and disadvantages. Acx plywood is more expensive than birch, but it is also more durable and moisture resistant. Birch plywood is less expensive, but it is not as strong or moisture resistant as acx.

If you need a strong, durable plywood that can withstand moisture, then acx is the better choice. If you are on a budget and don’t mind sacrificing some durability, then birch plywood is a good option.

Which Plywood Should I Use?

Whether you choose acx over bcx or vise-versa, it all comes down to what type of woodworking projects you plan on making and the environment in which they’ll be located! For example: if you’re building a deck for outdoor use then BCX.

What Kind of Plywood Is the Best?

The best type of acx or bcx plywood will depend on your project and what you want to use it for. Acx is typically more expensive than bcx because of its superior quality and durability, while bcx is a bit cheaper because it’s made with less high-end wood.

Can I Use Acx or Bcx Plywood for Indoor Use?

Yes, you absolutely can! Acx and bcx plywood are both suitable for interior applications. If the acx or bcx plywood is going to be exposed to water or high humidity, then you might want to consider the acx.

Can I Use Acx or Bcx Plywood for Outdoor Use?

You can use acx or bcx plywood for outdoor applications, but you need to make sure that it’s been treated with a water-resistant adhesive. If the acx or bcx plywood is going to be exposed to water or high humidity, then you should choose acx.

Acx vs Bcx plywood: Conclusion

Both acx and bcx plywood are great options for any type of woodworking or furniture project. If you’re looking to save some money and don’t mind lower quality wood, then bcx will definitely be the way to go. However, if you want plywood that’s going to last longer and hold up better against water or humidity then acx is your best bet. You can also have a look OSB vs Plywood Roofing.

Reference: Wikipedia

Acx Vs Bcx Plywood: In-Depth Understanding Of Their Differences - Wood Rated (2024)
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