How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (2024)

My Smart Home is mainly controlled by my smart home controller, Homey. I really like Homey, but one thing that I missed is a good smart home dashboard. Home Assistant, on the other hand, is a really versatile platform, which also allows you to create beautiful dashboards that interact with your smart home. To run Home Assistant I have used my favorite piece of hardware, a Raspberry Pi.

We are not only going to install Home Assistant on the Raspberry Pi. To interact with other smart home controllers, we are going to use MQTT. This is a messaging protocol that is used for IoT (Internet of Things) devices.

How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (1)

In this article, I am going to help you install Home Assistant on the Raspberry Pi step-by-step. To get you started, we are also going to install some of the most used add-ons:

  • HACS – Home Assistant Community Store
  • MQTT – Message protocol for smart home devices
  • File Editor – Only for Home Assistant OS

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What do we need for Home Assistant and the Raspberry Pi?

Before we can start with installing Home Assistant on the Raspberry Pi, we first need to get some parts and download the software that we need. Home Assistant doesn’t really require a powerful pi to run, so if you have a model 3 lying around, then you can use that perfectly.

But when you need to buy Raspberry Pi, then go for a Pi 4 Model B with at least 4GB of memory. Home Assistant doesn’t require much memory (2 / 3GB is enough).

For the SD Card, you really need to get a good Application Class 2 micro sd card. Home Assistant reads and writes a lot to the SD card, so don’t save money on this.

How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (2)

The Raspberry Pi 4 can get really warm, up to 70 degrees, so to have some cooling for the Pi is really important. The Geekworm case is a heatsink and case in one that also looks really nice. It uses passive cooling for your Pi, so no noisy fans are needed.

Installation options for Home Assistant on the Raspberry Pi

We have two (recommended) options when it comes to installing Home Assistant on your Raspberry Pi:

  • Home Assistant Operating System
  • Home Assistant Container (using docker)

If you are not really technical and want to use the Pi only for HA, then I recommend installing the Home Assistant Operating System. This way you can fully manage your installation (updates, add-ons) through the Home Assistant interface.

The Docker method is recommended when you want to use the Pi also for other purposes. But keep in mind that you don’t have the “supervised” option then in Home Assistant. Meaning that you can’t update Home Assistant from the interface or install add-ons, like node-red, automatically (you can still install add-ons manually though).

I have gone for the docker method, because I am planning to use Home Assistant only as a dashboard, and want to use the Pi for other purposes as well. But in this article, I will describe both methods.

Installing Home Assistant OS

Installing Home Assistant OS on the Raspberry Pi is the preferred way to run Home Assistant. It allows you to keep HA easily up-to-date, add different add-ons, like node-red, straight from the HA interface, and connecting ZigBee adapters, etc is a lot easier.

Step 1 – Install Home Assistant OS on the SDCard

Just like with Raspbian we are going to write the Home Assistant OS straight to the SD card. For this, we are going to use a free tool Balena Etcher. Make sure you download and install the tool before you continue.

Make sure that you have inserted your SD Card into your computer.

  1. Open Ether and click Flash from URL

    How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (3)

  2. Enter the URL for your Pi

    For the Pi 4:

    For the Pi 3:

  3. Select the target

    Select your SD Card, keep in mind that everything on it will be overwritten

    How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (4)
  4. Click Flash to start the process

    You might get a warning for User Account Control. Just click yes.

  5. Wait for the process to finish

    How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (5)

  6. Optional – Adding WiFi or static IP Address

    After you have started your Raspberry Pi, you should be able to open the Home Assistant installation on http://homeassistant.local:8123/. Unfortunately, it didn’t work during my tests. The Pi didn’t make any network connection, so I was unable to connect to it.

    You can preconfigure your network by creating a network config file on the SD Card. Read more about it here

  7. Start your Raspberry Pi

    You can now plug the SD card back into the Pi, connect the network and power cable to start your Raspberry Pi.

    It can take a couple of minutes until Home Assistant OS is fully started. So give it some time!

    Open Home Assistant on http://homeassistant.local:8123/

    How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (6)

Home Assistant is now installed. It’s a good idea to install MQTT as well, to communicate with other smart home devices and controllers.

Optional – Home Assistant Network Config

After you start Home Assistant OS for the first time you can connect to it using the local URL: http://homeassistant.local:8123/. But that doesn’t always work. In my case, the whole ethernet interface was down (no activity lights on the network port)

I fixed it by configuring the network details in a config file on the SD Card:

  1. Open the SD Card
  2. Create a folder CONFIG
  3. Inside the config folder, create another folder network
  4. Inside the network folder, create a file my-network without any extensions
  5. Add the following code in the file
[connection]id=my-networkuuid=e95afc7a-0e11-4bce-bfe2-984c2401ab26 # Use to generate an UUIDtype=802-11-wireless[802-11-wireless]mode=infrastructuressid=<SSID> # Add your SSID if you want to use your Wireless network (not recommended)# Uncomment below if your SSID is not broadcasted#hidden=true[802-11-wireless-security]auth-alg=openkey-mgmt=wpa-pskpsk=<WIFI-PASSWORD> # Enter your WIFI Password here[ipv4]method=manualaddress=, # <static-ip-addres>/24,<ip-address-router>dns=;; #<ip-address-router>;<ip-address-public-dns-server>[ipv6]addr-gen-mode=stable-privacymethod=auto

Save the file, and start your Raspberry Pi.

Step 2 – Install Home Assistant Add-ons

To get the most out of our Home Assistant installation we need to add some add-ons. There are a lot of add-ons available for HA, but a couple of them a commonly used and make working with HA a lot easier.

First, we need to enable Advanced mode, this way we can install more add-ons:

  1. Click on your profile name (last option in the sidebar)
  2. Scroll a bit down and enable Advanced Mode

We can now install all add-ons that we need:

  1. Open Supervisor in Home Assistant
  2. Click on the Add-on store tab
  3. Install the following add-ons:
    1. File Editor
    2. Mosquitto broker
    3. Terminal & SSH
How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (7)

You are going to need the file editor to modify configuration files in Home Assistant. This way you can do that easily from within your browser. Another option is to install the Samba add-on, which allows you to open the file from your Windows Explorer.

Mosquitto broker is used when you want to connect Home Assistant with other Smart Home platforms (like Homey) or connect Zigbee devices to HA.

The Terminal add-on allows you to log in to your Home Assistant installation with SSH. This is needed to install the Home Assistant Community Store in the next step.

Make sure that you start all the add-ons after you have installed them. Also enable, Show in sidebar, for each add-on.

Step 3 – Install HACS

Home Assistant is really community-driven, so there are a lot of add-ons available made by the community. To install them we need to install the Home Assistant Community Store (HACS).

With the Terminal-SSH Add-on installed we can open the terminal from the sidebar.

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Enter the following command to install HACS:
wget -O - | bash -
How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (8)
  1. Restart Home Assistant : Configuration > Server Controls > Restart
  2. Open Integrations : Configuration > Integrations
  3. Click Add Integration
  4. Select HACS

Follow the steps described here to configure HACS

You should now have a good base to start with.

Installing Home Assistant Container (Docker method)

Install Home Assistant in a Docker container allows you to use the Pi for other purposes as well. It’s a bit more work to install, but with the steps below it’s not really difficult.

Step 1 – Install Raspbian

The first step is to install Raspbian on the microSD card. We are going to use the Raspberry Pi Imager tool for this, which makes installing Raspbian really easy:

Place the MicroSD card in your computer and open Raspberry Pi Imager:

  1. Click Choose OS
  2. Select Raspberry Pi OS (other)
  3. Choose Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32bit)
How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (9)
  1. Click on Choose Storage
  2. Select your MicroSD card (check the size and drive letter!)
  3. Optional: Click on the gear icon and enable SSH, WiFi and set username and password.
  4. Click on Write
  5. You will get a warning that all data will be removed, click Ok and get a coffee 😉
  6. Wait until the process is finished
How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (10)

Step 2 – Optional – Enable SSH and WiFi on Raspian

If you haven’t used the advanced options from the Raspberry Pi Imager, you can also enable SSH and WiFi with the following steps.

You can connect a keyboard and monitor to the Pi, but I prefer to use SSH to connect remotely to the Pi. This way we can easily copy-paste commands to our Raspberry Pi. I am using Windows Terminal as an SSH Client, but you can also use PowerShell or Putty for example.

  1. Open the SDCard in your Explorer
  2. Create a new text file and name it SSH
  3. Remove the file extension from the new file.
How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (11)

You can also pre-configure your wifi network on the Raspberry Pi. This way the Pi will automatically enable wifi and connect to your wireless network.

  1. Create another new text file and name it wpa_supplicant.conf
  2. Paste the following into the file
country=USctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdevupdate_config=1network={ ssid="NETWORK-NAME" psk="NETWORK-PASSWORD"}
  1. Change the county code to match your country
  2. Enter the SSID and PSK (password) of your wireless network
  3. Save the file

For Home Assistant it’s best to use an ethernet cable.

Step 3 – Start up and connect to the Raspberry Pi

Plug the SDcard into the Raspberry Pi, and connect an ethernet cable (if you don’t haven configured WiFi) and USB-C power cable. The Raspberry Pi will now automatically start.

Give it a couple of minutes to boot and connect to the Pi with SSH:

  1. Open Windows PowerShell (Press Windows key + X) (or the SSH client that you want to use)
  2. Type:
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
  1. Type yes to continue connecting
  2. Enter the default password: raspberry

Step 4 – Configuring the Raspberry Pi

There are a few final steps that we need to do before we can start with installing Docker and Home Assistant. We want to give our Pi a static IP Address, this way we can easily access it in the feature. Also, we want to change the default password and make sure that the latest updates are installed.

  1. Open the network config file by typing the following cmd
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
  1. Scroll a bit down and enable the following lines by removing the # from it:
# Example static IP configuration:interface eth0static ip_address= # < change this to IP Address that want to use#static ip6_address=fd51:42f8:caae:d92e::ff/64static routers= # < change this to your routers IP Addressstatic domain_name_servers= # < change this to your routers IP Address and DNS
  1. Give you Pi a static IP Address in the .200 range. Also make sure you configure the router’s IP Address correctly.

    When done save and close the file by pressing ctrl + x and choose Y to save it.

  1. Change the default password by entering the cmd passwd
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ passwdChanging password for pi.(current) UNIX password:raspberryEnter new UNIX password:Retype new UNIX password:passwd: password updated successfully
  1. Update the Raspberry Pi with the latest firmware and updates:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean

6. Reboot the Pi and connect to the new IP Address that we have configured

sudo reboot

Step 5 – Install Docker on Raspberry Pi

With our Raspberry Pi fully up-to-date we can start with installing Docker on the Raspberry Pi. We are going to use a script from Docker for this which will install Docker for us.

  1. Download the Convenience Script to install Docker on the Raspberry Pi
curl -fsSL -o
  1. Run the script with the following command:
sudo sh
How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (12)

Add Pi user to Docker Group

Next, we need to add the default Pi user to the Docker group. This way we don’t have to use Sudo every time when we want to start or stop a Docker container.

sudo usermod -aG docker pi# optionalsudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

Step 6 – Install Home Assistant Docker Container

The last step is to install the Home Assistant Docker Container. By default, the config of Home Assistant will be saved in /home/pi/ha. You can change that on line 6.

If you are using a Raspberry Pi 3, then change pi4 to pi3 on the last line.

docker run -d \ --name homeassistant \ --privileged \ --restart=unless-stopped \ -e TZ=MY_TIME_ZONE \ -v /home/pi/ha:/config \ --network=host \

You can access Home Assistant on <ip-address-of-pi4>:8123 once the docker container is running:

How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (13)

Just follow the setup wizard (onboarding process) of Home Assistant.

Step 7 – Install HACS for Home Assistant Container (docker)

When using Home Assistant inside a docker container you won’t have the add-on store that you get with Home Assistant OS (the supervised option). This means that we will need to install add-ons manually.

But you can use the Community Store, which also contains a lot of integrations and frontend components that you will need later to create stunning dashboards.

Installing HACS

  1. Open your SSH client and connect to your Pi
  2. Navigate to your Home Assistant configuration folder (/home/pi/ha)
cd /home/pi/ha
  1. Run the following command to download HACS
wget -O - | bash -
  1. Follow these steps to configure HACS further

Step 8 – Install MQTT on Raspberry Pi

MQTT is a messaging protocol that is used for communication between different smart home devices (and controllers). To use MQTT, you will need an MQTT Broker (server) and MQTT Clients.

Because we are running Home Assistant in a container, we can install MQTT beside it in its own container.

The MQTT Client can be added from the Home Assistant Community Store (HACS)

  1. Open your SSH Client and connect to your Pi
  2. Enter the following commands:
# Install MQTTsudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients# Enable MQTT Broker servicesudo systemctl enable mosquitto

The MQTT Broker should now be running. You can test MQTT the following way:

  1. In your SSH session create a MQTT Subscriber. The subscriber connect to the MQTT Broker on the localhost (the Pi itself) and listen for a message on the test/message topic.
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "test/message"
  1. Open a new SSH session (open another instance of your SSH client) and connect to the Pi again.
  2. Send (publish) a message to the test/message topic:
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "test/message" -m "Hello, world"

If you now look in the first SSH window you will see Hello, world

Secure your MQTT Broker

Keeping your smart home secure is important. To protect unauthorized access to the MQTT broker we can create an MQTT user and password

# Create a mqtt user and passwordsudo mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/passwd <mqtt-username># Enter an password<enter password>

To use the newly created user and password we need to change the default configuration file:

# Open the configuration filesudo nano /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf# Enter the followingallow_anonymous falsepassword_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd

The last step is to restart the MQTT Broker:

# Restart MQTT Brokersudo systemctl restart mosquitto

Step 9 – Install MQTT Client in Home Assistant

The last step is to install the MQTT Client in Home Assistant.

  1. Click Configuration > Integrations
  2. Add Integration
  3. Search for MQTT
  4. Enter the IP address of your Raspberry Pi
  5. Enter the username and password that we just created for the MQTT Broker
  6. Click Submit
How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (14)

If you are using a Homey as your Smart Home controller, then you will need to install the MQTT Hub and MQTT Client app. The hub will publish all your devices to the MQTT Broker (allowing HA to pick them up) and the client trigger flows based on MQTT topics.

You should now have a good starting point for your Home Assistant installation.

Wrapping Up

Getting started with Home Assistant is the easiest with the use of the Home Assistant Operating System. This works great out of the box with the add-on store. If you want to use your Pi for other purposes as well, then the container (docker) method is a really good option.

Interessted in how I mounted my Smart Home Dashboard? Then make sure you read this article as well.

In the next article, I will explain more about how you can create a custom dashboard and share the details of how I build my dashboard.

If you have any questions, just drop a comment below.


How to Install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi — LazyAdmin (2024)
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