Take Any Chance (Gaming The System #9) (2024)

Sammi Dyer

252 reviews7 followers

April 30, 2024

Take Any Chance
Is part of the “Gaming the System” series by Brenna Aubrey
I stumbled a crossed the first book “At Any Price”, and absolutely loved Mia & Adam's love story and have been hooked on the series ever since. You will feel every emotion possible and this book is no different. I love how they have grown throughout the years and highly recommend reading this series in order. Make sure to not miss this installment of the series. The ups and downs have all been building to this conclusion and so worth reading. You will feel as if you are part of their world and group of friends.

Laura Reads Too Much

1,356 reviews13 followers

April 10, 2024

It's been a while since we've had some Mia & Adam time but after starting this, it was like they'd never been away!
Everything and everyone made sense which says a lot - to go back and instantly remember who's who and what's what - top marks Aubrey!

As for Mia and Adams story....
These two were born to be together, the connection they have is soul-deep.

They're about to face tough times as they talk about starting a family. Emily has had health issues in the past (I don't want to spoil anything) but that out the fear of all in both of them. Adam is a control freak, that man has lists of lists and points on points. He can't cope with the unknown and not having control over it and when it concerns Emilia? All bets are off!

I love their dynamic, they bounce of each other and although at times they should give the other more credit (emotion wise) they work. Their banter and sarky comebacks are on-point, their passion is hot, their fears are completely understandable I just loved it.

Definitely recommend - I say go back to the start though because their story from then is amazing. Their friends books are amazing. This whole series is amazing.

*I voluntarily received an arc and this is my honest review. 4/4.5stars

Alisha Eadle

153 reviews52 followers

April 19, 2024

Before I begin, I would like to thank Brenna Aubrey and her team for sending me an arc of Take Any Chance, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I love the Gaming the System series, for many reasons.

Besides it being a well-written romance, and sexy, it's unique.

I mean, it has the obvious tropes that we all know and love, but all the characters and storylines feel so fresh.

That doesn't change with Take Any Chance.

While I don't love a pregnancy trope, I enjoyed the refreshing take on it in this book.

For Adam and Mia, nothing is ever black and white. It's not as easy as just jumping in, and I liked the decision to have a child wasn't as easy as saying "let's do it."

And not just the obvious one - Mia's health. Afterall, her overall arc, being diagnosed with breast cancer so young, means realistically, there would be many concerns over introducing the hormones one needs to have a baby. I like that this was a concern, and her past storyline wasn't ignored.

Another thing I absolutely enjoyed was Adam's struggle with making a decision on having a child. Adam is one of the few characters that have unresolved trauma from his childhood - and it bleeds into his adult life. Of course with his upbringing, he would struggle with the idea of bringing a child into the world. His concerns over being a good father, along with the anxiety of Mia putting her health at possible risk after watching her almost die - his struggles felt realistic. The best part though was that his character finally felt like it came full circle.

Romantically, I enjoyed Brenna adding to Adam and Mia's story. They felt solid as ever. Even with Adam dragging his heels about adding a child to their family, the mutual respect between them was one of the things I love about them as a couple.

It's what love is.

Mutual respect, patience, and understanding.

While I don't enjoy reading about pregnancy - as someone who has had difficult pregnancies in the past it's just one of my triggers - I didn't dislike Take Any Chance. Brenna did a good job writing a story that, yes, centered around pregnancy, it was so much more than that. Bringing a human being into the world isn't simple, and it wasn't written that way. I'm thrilled that Adam and Mia get their happily ever after - and that we will see them from time to time in Brenna's new series coming up (which, spoiler alert, is already seeming just as unique and interesting as this series was).

Take Any Chance is out April 30th, 2024!

Joe Kendall

602 reviews3 followers

April 30, 2024

A complete pleasure

I love this book. Last in the Gaming The System series
Adam and Emelia are amazing characters. They have been on quite a journey, and this story lovingly rounds it out.
Each character stays true to their history, with insecurities, strengths, and friendships shining through.
I love how Emilia and Adam interact. Their strength lies in their partnership, and when the walls come down, the hidden worries are revealed they shine.
This book is a beautiful tribute to all the players in this series. Everyone gets their moments to shine, and I look forward to seeing them all crop up in future series.
I have loved how this series has made me feel, and this final book did not disappoint. Joy, sadness, pain, pleasure, and all-encompassing love. Love is at the heart of this series, and it shines bright.
I highly recommend this book, series, and author.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.

Laurie Anne

825 reviews17 followers

April 24, 2024

Oh my heart... I loved this book so much!
I am a huge fan of this series and was so happy to see Mia and Adam get that extra happiness they deserve.

What would this series be without all the secondary characters.We have all come to love. It was so great to get updates from the gang, and a nice little surprise at the end of this book.
Super excited to see tha we will get a continuation of this series through updates of the other couples and now Dominic and Ayla.

If you've never started this series now is the perfect time since it's complete (at least Adam and Mia). Do yourself a favor and grab the audiobooks because the narrators take this series to the next level!!


419 reviews

April 28, 2024

Adam and Mia’s story continues as they try to add a new member to their happy family. After all they’ve been through in the previous books, this book was much less angsty but with all the nuances that made Adam and Mia and the entire Gaming The System series a firm favourite.
I loved reading about all the other GTS couples and friends, but also the introduction to new friends and a new series. Can’t wait!


1,288 reviews45 followers

April 11, 2024

Mia finally has the job she wanted and with Adam by her side they’re fearless. With Mia only having one thing that she wants, the one thing that has always been a struggle between them, Mia wants a baby.
Adam knows that Mia wants a baby, but he’s concerned about the risks that her cancer could return.
Adam knows how upset Mia is and he��s never one to step away from a challenge and does all the research he can, he deals with facts and knows once he has the facts that he can then make the right decision.
Adam is also at a place in his life that he isn’t feeling it being the CEO of the company, but not sure if giving that up is something he can do.
Mia and Adam were used to playing games and solving the quests to win, but now they are in the game of life and the moves they make are forever. Can they work through the last piece to have a family they both want and get over the obstacles in their way.

Linda Mandell

56 reviews


April 14, 2024

This book was fantastic. I love reading the "The Gaming System" Series. I was happy to see that Adam and Mia finally grew their family. It was good that Adam finally decided to see a therapist and help him with his deep dark feelings. Adam and Mia were so honest with each other which helped the relationship be as good as it was. It was good to read about everyone else in the series. I sure hope we will be reading more on Adam and Mia plus all of the other characters in the story. I cannot wait for the next book or series to come out. You definitely need to start with book one and continue. I cannot say enough about this series. It was absolutely great.

S Knoll

257 reviews4 followers

April 8, 2024

This book felt like home. I’ve missed this couple so much and this just felt like a great way to tidy up their story. Brenna always is so good at writing characters that we can’t help but love. If you have read the rest, you understand. The books are simple, with complex characters. Always an easy read.

Jill Van

3 reviews1 follower

April 30, 2024

If you've been on this journey from the start, you're definitely not going to want to miss this instalment. I think what I enjoyed most is the opportunity to see these characters on their journey to becoming parents and as parents. Since the books started, I too have become a parent and I think parts of the journey really resonated because of my own personal experiences. The style is consistent with the rest of the series - some good humor, some steamy sections and overall an enjoyable and easy read. Even though I came home tired from work - I still found it easy to enjoy the story before bed. There were parts of the story where I felt that it jumped quite quickly to the next set of events and I would have liked to have seen more detail but it did not detract from my overall enjoyment of the story. A solid 5 stars.


136 reviews2 followers

May 1, 2024

As soon as I found out Ms Aubrey was writing another chapter in Adam and Mia’s story, I was sold. This author and this series are auto one-clicks for me and this addition did not let me down.

The story is so well written, the emotion is amazing. Do yourself a favour and get caught up on this series.


325 reviews26 followers

May 2, 2024

Loved to see the emotional growth in Adam and Mia, especially in Adam!
My biggest gripe in their individual and relationship arc in the past books was the lack of emotional maturity, and it was good to finally see them move past that and be great partners to each other. This was definitely the happy ending that they deserved. There weren't any big highs and lows, but I wasn't expecting that.

Trinity Rubino

87 reviews

May 1, 2024

About time

Yes the wait was long but well worth it , the HEA was worth it still wanna see Jordan and April go through this but happy we got to see control freak Adam at his finest .

Samantha Bilodeau

501 reviews10 followers

May 1, 2024

More reviews like this on my blog: Musings of Madjy

*2.5 Rounded Up

I have been a big fan of this entire series basically since At Any Price came out, and absolutely loved Mia & Adam's love story, in particular. My heart has broken with them and then pieced back together again. I enjoyed their wedding, getting to know their friends, and I've been reading FallenOne every month. I was excited for their voyage through trying-to-conceive, pregnancy, and parenthood.

Which is why it seriously pains me to say that I didn't really care for this book like I'd hoped I would. :(

I loved getting to see these two as grown ups, settled in. But I can't help but feel like this book wasn't really necessary for the series...

One of the biggest things that stood out at first was the lack of consistent timeline and general pacing. These two went from graduation (June) to a honeymoon & starting a hospital internship (July) to a holiday party (November) and then Adam was talking to Jordan about the jerk at the party and having just come back from his honeymoon (He didn't see his CFO for 5-6 months??). It didn't stop there, as Adam researched pregnancy for several weeks (January?), then they were trying for several months (June?) and then "just a couple of months" (April??), then she was pregnant just as her first year was up (July, right?) and just after her birthday near Mother's Day (May).... Yet she was due on Christmas Day, which would have had a conception period of late March, early April. Then, she was having a first appointment at 14 weeks, which isn't at all when a pregnant mom would be seeing a doctor, especially one who is potentially high risk (typically, women are seen around 10-11 weeks, then monthly until about 34 weeks, then every two weeks until 38 weeks, then weekly until birth). Her baby shower went from "next month" right after finding out the sex (which is unusual anyway), to us skipping a few months.

There was also the fact that Mia was constantly talking down to Adam about her pregnancy, and he was fine to just assume she knew everything. AND SHE WAS OFTEN WRONG. It doesn't take any special training to see a 14-week fetus on an ultrasound. The baby looks very clearly like a little human at that point, let alone during the anatomy scan usually done around 20 weeks. How Adam the genius who was obsessed with research couldn't tell that his baby was the sex it was at that point, I can't even fathom... So much didn't make sense for a bright medical doctor who knew everything either, including the way they went about TTC (Why have sex so many times that it becomes boring? Why freak out when she hasn't conceived within a couple of months?), her entire birth experience (Scheduled an induction for the day after her due date? Told her to start pushing before she was ready, then to stop pushing so they could rush her to an unnecessary c-section while she fought the urge to push?).

I've always appreciated the fact that Mia (and Adam) is a feminist who doesn't let herself get pushed around, and who will fight life's injustices. However, she got preachy AF in this with the other characters who we already know feel the same as she does. These characters would say things that sounded straight out of an activist's speech at a protest while just chatting together at lunch, which felt really over-the-top. These ladies decide to create a non-profit in an area that they even admit is already saturated with non-profits just like theirs, then go on diatribes about women's health rights in the U.S. that just don't fit in the context of what they were doing, and sounded scripted rather than conversational. Don't get me wrong, I talk to my friends about freedoms, rights, the corruption of horrible politicians and governments, but we don't sound like we're reciting an article from CNN (unless we're reading one out loud, haha). I started just skimming through the sections of this that got weirdly preachy, which made me sad.

Also in line with feminists is going back to the pregnancy and especially the birth... Neither Adam nor Mia advocated for her the way you'd expect people who understood how pregnant women are treated in hospitals. There didn't need to be preaching here, but I can't fathom why a billionaire's wife wouldn't have had a private experience with the best pregnancy support you can imagine. This was an opportunity to explain why these two people would have made less mainstream choices, and then Mia could have been an advocate for better treatment of pregnant women and mothers in general. Her non-profit could have helped underprivileged mothers have access to midwifes, doulas, lactation consultants, and childcare providers. It could have helped educate women so they understood their rights and how to best advocate for themselves to avoid unnecessary interventions, unnecessary surgeries, and reduce the stress that can come with caring for a newborn. I had hoped that the fact she was due on a major holiday might play into that some, too, as it's an unfortunately reality that OBs push for inductions/c-sections so that they can avoid working inconvenient days. Instead, Adam actually told Mia multiple times to just listen to her doctor, as though she shouldn't be allowed to be informed herself and make her own decisions about what she wanted. Nevermind that Mia was already intimately familiar with the fact that some doctors have big egos and don't take women seriously....

I digress (I told you, womens' health is an issue I'm passionate about :P).

There were sweet moments in this, and I really liked seeing Daddy Adam. I just wish we saw more of their day-to-day lives and less of a general synopsis of what the journey was, sprinkled with pro-choice speeches. I had even hoped for a bit more about the fact that Mia had previously had an abortion, and cancer treatments, and delving into how it might have been different for her than your average woman in her late 20s, both psychologically and physically. Or, to mostly be light and fun as their family grew, getting to see Uncle Heath (and maybe Uncle Heath's partner?) enjoy the fruits of all the many years he was there for his best friend as she rode the rollercoaster of a lifetime.

    arc contemporary-romance let-s-play-doctor


678 reviews4 followers

April 17, 2024

Take Any Chance is the ninth book in the Gaming The System series. It is not a standalone book. While Brenna covers timelines of some of the previous books, Mia and Adam's story is complicated. I do recommend starting with Girl Geek, At Any Price, At Any Turn, At Any Moment, Worth Any Cost, optional For the Holidays and then this book. All those are Adam and Mia's story, like I said, complicated.

It was fun coming back to Adam and Mia's story. This book opens with Mia finishing her doctorate in Medicine and she will soon start with her first year as an intern at a local hospital. Adam, being Adam, sweeps her away on an amazing post-graduation trip to Italy. Draco Multimedia is still taking tons of extra hours of Adam's life, and he is considering other options to being a CEO forever. Even with them both putting in super-human hours at work, they try hard to stay connected both as the soulmates they are and with sexy times. They start discussing the possibility of a family. Due to Mia's health history (see prior books), it scares the heck out of Adam. Wanting a big family has always been a desire for Mia. Will they find their way to an understanding? Will they both get the jobs they want at the end of their careers and a baby to love? Enjoy this last book in the love story of Dr. Emilia Kimberly Strong Drake and Adam Drake. It's been a helluva ride!!

Bookish In Belgium

83 reviews

May 7, 2024

Diving into this book is like reuniting with beloved friends after far too long. Mia, Adam, Heath and Jordan resonate with so much warmth and familiarity. 📚💕

Having journeyed through five full-length books chronicling the lives of this captivating couple, each page felt like a heartfelt reunion. Adam and Mia's unconventional love story first stole my heart in 'At Any Price' – where the spirited Girl Geek crossed paths with the enigmatic Billionaire Tech Mogul. 🌟📖

'At Any Turn' had me in a whirlwind of emotions as their relationship faced unprecedented challenges and conflicts, keeping my gut tied up in knots with every turn of the page. The depth of their love was tested in ways that left me utterly entranced. And witnessing their powerful journey towards redemption in 'At Any Moment' was nothing short of breathtaking. 💔💖

The newest chapter in their lives, with Adam embracing fatherhood, melted my heart into a puddle of joy. 💓 Seeing Mia fearlessly achieving her career goals while taking on and navigating motherhood is nothing short of inspiring. 👏

This series has truly captured my heart. I can't help but yearn for Heath's own HEA. And imagining Jordan stepping into the role of a father? Pure bliss! 😍 Is it weird that I can totally picture how 'extra' Jordan will be as a "papa"? ✨


292 reviews

May 7, 2024

This has been one of my favourite series for years and I was so excited to get another book with Adam and Mia! I truly felt like this was the perfect book to wrap up their story!

If you haven’t read any of the previous books in the series, I’d highly recommend you go back and read those first before starting this one. However, if you’ve read and loved all the other books, then I have no doubt you’ll enjoy this one too! We get to see Mia doing the job she’s been working so hard to get to; Adam, the workaholic, surprises us all with his decision regarding his company; and of course the main focus of this book is all about Adam and Mia starting their family!
There were lots of ups and downs for Adam and Mia throughout this book but it was great to see them continue to support each other as they always have when it comes down to it. I’ve always loved the way this author can write about fictional characters but make the story so realistic it’s easy to relate to them!

I’m sad this will be Adam and Mia’s final book but I’m happy we’ll still be seeing these characters in future books featuring other couples! I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to let these guys go for good!


181 reviews

May 8, 2024

It all started when I found Brenna's books on a reading app and was hooked since.

This is the latest book of Adam and Mia and you really should read this one if you've read the others in this series.
Following their journey through all these books, makes you feel a part of their group of friends. It was great to read all of it.
The struggles, the journey, just everything. If you haven't read the series, I highly recommend start from the beginning as this book follows the timeline set in previous books.


13 reviews

May 15, 2024

*Notice - I was provided an early release of the book for my honest opinion.*

*Also, due to something personal happening, I am still reading the book.*

Please keep this in mind, as I haven't finished the story as of right now. My opinion can, and probably change.

Brenna has done it once again. The way she writes makes you feel like you are in the room/place as the main character(s).

This series drew me in because of a Facebook ad, and I stayed because of how masterfully it is written, and it is rather hard not to love the main character.


96 reviews5 followers

May 3, 2024

I love love love this series and this book is a fabulous ending to this couple. Adam and Mia are characters that have had my heart since the beginning. I feel like I have been a passenger on a fabulous roller coaster ride and have loved every high and low. Brenna Aubrey has done a fabulous job of writing multiple characters with incredible depth and great story lines. I can't wait to see what Brenna writes next. Definitely one of the best writers!

Sammie Lynn

416 reviews5 followers

May 11, 2024

I LOVED this series, and it kills me to say it, but as excited as I was to be back in this world with all the characters I know and love, this story fell flat for me. To me, after everything these characters have been through.. I was hoping to feel a little more growth in them. It felt like it was written just to be written, with no real plot. When I got to the end... It just felt like it ended. I did love seeing all these characters again, but I wish there was just a little more to it all.


15 reviews

May 2, 2024

I was so excited to dive back into the Gaming Series, I’ve missed all our old friends and couldn’t wait to see them jump in and support Adam and Mia.
It breaks my heart to say I had a hard time getting into this story, and I found myself skimming pages because of Mia and Adam. I’ve always loved these two as a couple, but felt they never grew up after everything they went through together. I found myself disliking Mia, and felt this story missed the mark for me.



1,994 reviews13 followers

May 1, 2024

Adam is crazy about Mia and wouldn't hesitate to give her anything she asks for ... that is, until Mia says she wants to start a family. Take Any Chance is a rom com full of banter, laughs, drama and steam with all the feels that sucked me in!


1,839 reviews17 followers

May 5, 2024

a boring one, Mia did the MD thing, get what she wants, Adam too but somehow do think Adam did just because he loves Mia more than everything.

by the way, just read the third of it then goes to the ending

Aby chisholm

4 reviews

May 8, 2024

Brenna has done it again. Mia and Adam still capture my heart and this and amazing story that shows how their love has grown in more ways than one and we still get that sort after banner that they are known for. Definitely gonna need to start the series again now. A+++


Author12 books320 followers

May 7, 2024

I’ve read all of Brenna Aubrey’s books. I’ve been all anticipation for the last in her delicious “Gaming the System” series. I was thrilled for the advanced readers copy. TAKE ANY CHANCE delivered.

Mia Drake has it all: medical degree, a gorgeous husband, and enviable life. She’s now ready to become a mother, but convincing her sexy husband is another thing. “…I had just enough wine in my system to be able to laugh at the situation. Because maybe the way he turned tail and ran like a coward the minute I said ‘start a family’ might have made me cry instead—or at least shake my fist at the sky.” Adam is at the top of his game. But to become a father, he must face his demons to take on the ultimate quest.

Sensual and smart as the rest in the series, TAKE ANY CHANCE should not be missed.



222 reviews3 followers

May 1, 2024

Absolutely wonderful. It’s bittersweet but it’s the perfect ending to Adam & Mia’s story. Can’t wait to reread in the future.

    best-epilogues favorites

Caroline F

2,224 reviews43 followers

May 7, 2024

This was a great read - so good to catch up with Mia and Adam as they entered the next chapter of their lives.

”She was the most beautiful woman in the world to me. And she was all mine. And soon, she’d be the mother of my child.”

Thoroughly enjoyed their story - they were such a solid couple - loving, thoughtful, fun and sexy. Loved it.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-re...

    arc baby billionaire-millionaire

Grace Wood

2 reviews

May 7, 2024

Truly heartwarming. Another beautifully written book by Brenna - a fitting way to say farewell (for the most part) to a couple that has provoked just about all of the emotions over the years…

Take Any Chance (Gaming The System #9) (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.