Updated list of traits (2024)



55 Badges

Mar 31, 2006
  • Updated list of traits (2)
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  • May 5, 2019
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  • #1

Is there a complete updated list of traits used with HIP (with the corresponding numbers)? I'm currently using the one on the wiki but it's no longer accurate since the last patch. They're offset by 1 or 2.


  • May 7, 2019
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  • #2

EMF is the only module in HIP that defines new traits (though a few have been ported to standalone SWMH so that we can assign them in history files and such without spurious error messages in the logs).

I've computed the full EMF trait list for you, along with their savegame IDs, for all of the traits that the EMF Beta provides. Note that the EMF Beta provides several extra congenital traits (ranging inclusively from Short to Delicate) at the end of the list (not counting the temporary Ruler Designer customization traits at very end of the list) that have not yet been released. That is, they're not in EMF v9.05 / HIP Furry6, but they will be in EMF v9.06 / HIP Furry7. All other IDs are unaffected, since the next EMF version will of course be save-compatible, and that means we can only add to the end of the ID range for non-temporary traits.

Maybe be a superstar and update the wiki accordingly?

  1. Amateurish Plotter (amateurish_plotter)
  2. Flamboyant Schemer (flamboyant_schemer)
  3. Intricate Webweaver (intricate_webweaver)
  4. Elusive Shadow (elusive_shadow)
  5. Naive Appeaser (naive_appeaser)
  6. Underhanded Rogue (underhanded_rogue)
  7. Charismatic Negotiator (charismatic_negotiator)
  8. Grey Eminence (grey_eminence)
  9. Indulgent Wastrel (indulgent_wastrel)
  10. Thrifty Clerk (thrifty_clerk)
  11. Fortune Builder (fortune_builder)
  12. Midas Touched (midas_touched)
  13. Misguided Warrior (misguided_warrior)
  14. Tough Soldier (tough_soldier)
  15. Skilled Tactician (skilled_tactician)
  16. Brilliant Strategist (brilliant_strategist)
  17. Detached Priest (detached_priest)
  18. Dutiful Cleric (martial_cleric)
  19. Scholarly Theologian (scholarly_theologian)
  20. Mastermind Theologian (mastermind_theologian)
  21. Stressed (stressed)
  22. Depressed (depressed)
  23. Lunatic (lunatic)
  24. Possessed (possessed)
  25. Ill (ill)
  26. Pneumonic (pneumonic)
  27. Gonorrhea (syphilitic)
  28. Leper (leper)
  29. Wounded (wounded)
  30. Maimed (maimed)
  31. Infirm (infirm)
  32. Incapable (incapable)
  33. Drunkard (drunkard)
  34. Consumption (has_tuberculosis)
  35. Has Slow Fever (has_typhoid_fever)
  36. Camp Fever (has_typhus)
  37. The Plague (has_bubonic_plague)
  38. Measles (has_measles)
  39. Smallpox (has_small_pox)
  40. Crusader (crusader)
  41. Bastard (bastard)
  42. Twin (twin)
  43. Legitimized Bastard (legit_bastard)
  44. Pregnant (pregnant)
  45. Excommunicated (excommunicated)
  46. Kinslayer (kinslayer)
  47. hom*osexual (hom*osexual)
  48. Clubfooted (clubfooted)
  49. Harelip (harelip)
  50. Hunchback (hunchback)
  51. Lisp (lisp)
  52. Stutter (stutter)
  53. Attractive (fair)
  54. Ugly (ugly)
  55. Dwarf (dwarf)
  56. Genius (genius)
  57. Quick (quick)
  58. Slow (slow)
  59. Imbecile (imbecile)
  60. Inbred (inbred)
  61. Strong (strong)
  62. Weak (weak)
  63. Celibate (celibate)
  64. Hedonist (hedonist)
  65. Scholar (scholar)
  66. Gardener (gardener)
  67. Mystic (mystic)
  68. Impaler (impaler)
  69. Duelist (duelist)
  70. Hunter (hunter)
  71. Poet (poet)
  72. Falconer (falconer)
  73. Lustful (lustful)
  74. Chaste (chaste)
  75. Gluttonous (gluttonous)
  76. Temperate (temperate)
  77. Greedy (greedy)
  78. Charitable (charitable)
  79. Slothful (slothful)
  80. Diligent (diligent)
  81. Envious (envious)
  82. Kind (kind)
  83. Wroth (wroth)
  84. Patient (patient)
  85. Proud (proud)
  86. Humble (humble)
  87. Deceitful (deceitful)
  88. Honest (honest)
  89. Craven (craven)
  90. Brave (brave)
  91. Shy (shy)
  92. Gregarious (gregarious)
  93. Ambitious (ambitious)
  94. Content (content)
  95. Arbitrary (arbitrary)
  96. Just (just)
  97. Cynical (cynical)
  98. Zealous (zealous)
  99. Paranoid (paranoid)
  100. Trusting (trusting)
  101. Cruel (cruel)
  102. Light Foot Leader (light_foot_leader)
  103. Heavy Infantry Leader (heavy_infantry_leader)
  104. Cavalry Leader (cavalry_leader)
  105. Inspiring Leader (inspiring_leader)
  106. Trickster (trickster)
  107. Organizer (organizer)
  108. Defender (defensive_leader)
  109. Direct Leader (experimenter)
  110. Flanker (flanker)
  111. Aggressive Leader (aggressive_leader)
  112. Siege Leader (siege_leader)
  113. Mujahid (mujahid)
  114. Hajajj (hajjaj)
  115. On Hajj (on_hajj)
  116. Faqih (faqih)
  117. Hafiz (hafiz)
  118. Sayyid (sayyid)
  119. Pilgrim (pilgrim)
  120. Mirza (mirza)
  121. Scarred (scarred)
  122. Eunuch (eunuch)
  123. Blinded (blinded)
  124. Born in the Purple (born_in_the_purple)
  125. Augustus (augustus)
  126. Flat Terrain Expert (flat_terrain_leader)
  127. Rough Terrain Expert (rough_terrain_leader)
  128. Mountain Expert (mountain_terrain_leader)
  129. Desert Expert (desert_terrain_leader)
  130. Holy Warrior (holy_warrior)
  131. Unyielding (unyielding_leader)
  132. Syphilitic (has_aztec_disease)
  133. Child of Concubine (child_of_consort)
  134. Peasant Leader (peasant_leader)
  135. Heresiarch (heresiarch)
  136. Berserker (berserker)
  137. Varangian (varangian)
  138. Saoshyant (saoshyant)
  139. Saoshyant Descendant (saoshyant_descendant)
  140. Viking (viking)
  141. Monk (monk)
  142. Nun (nun)
  143. On pilgrimage (on_pilgrimage)
  144. Sickly (sickly)
  145. Mu'tazilite (mutazilite)
  146. Ash'ari (ashari)
  147. Sympathy for [christian.GetGroupName] religions (sympathy_christendom)
  148. Sympathy for [muslim.GetGroupName] religions (sympathy_islam)
  149. Sympathy for [pagan_group.GetGroupName] religions (sympathy_pagans)
  150. Sympathy for [zoroastrian_group.GetGroupName] religions (sympathy_zoroastrianism)
  151. Sympathy for [jewish.GetName] religions (sympathy_judaism)
  152. Wicked Priest (bad_priest_christian)
  153. Wicked Caliph (bad_priest_muslim)
  154. Unworthy Priest (bad_priest_norse)
  155. Unworthy Priest (bad_priest_tengri)
  156. Immoral Priest (bad_priest_zoroastrian)
  157. Unworthy Priest (bad_priest_aztec)
  158. Battlefield Terrain Master (narrow_flank_leader)
  159. Brahmin (brahmin)
  160. Kshatriya (kshatriya)
  161. Vaishya (vaishya)
  162. Sympathy for [indian_group.GetGroupName] religions (sympathy_indian)
  163. Shaivist (shaivist_hindu)
  164. Vaishnavist (vaishnavist_hindu)
  165. Shaktist (shaktist_hindu)
  166. Smartist (smartist_hindu)
  167. Mahayana [buddhist.GetName] (mahayana_buddhist)
  168. Vajrayana [buddhist.GetName] (vajrayana_buddhist)
  169. Theravada [buddhist.GetName] (theravada_buddhist)
  170. Digambara [jain.GetName] (digambara_jain)
  171. Svetambara [jain.GetName] (svetambara_jain)
  172. Decadent (decadent)
  173. Reincarnation of [Reincarnation.GetBestName] (reincarnation)
  174. War Elephant Leader (war_elephant_leader)
  175. Jungle Expert (jungle_terrain_leader)
  176. In Hiding (in_hiding)
  177. Winter Soldier (winter_soldier)
  178. Master Seducer (seducer)
  179. Master Seductress (seductress)
  180. Administrator (administrator)
  181. Architect (architect)
  182. Strategist (strategist)
  183. Socializer (socializer)
  184. Master Schemer (schemer)
  185. Theologian (theologian)
  186. Game Master (gamer)
  187. Adventurer (adventurer)
  188. Erudite (erudite)
  189. Stubborn (stubborn)
  190. Haughty (haughty)
  191. Affectionate (affectionate)
  192. Timid (timid)
  193. Rowdy (rowdy)
  194. Willful (willful)
  195. Brooding (brooding)
  196. Indolent (indolent)
  197. Playful (playful)
  198. Conscientious (conscientious)
  199. Fussy (fussy)
  200. Curious (curious)
  201. Idolizer (idolizer)
  202. Horse (horse)
  203. Brawny (robust)
  204. Frail (feeble)
  205. Shrewd (shrewd)
  206. Dull (dull)
  207. Cough (cough)
  208. Fever (fever)
  209. Diarrhea (diarrhea)
  210. Vomiting (vomiting)
  211. Chest Pains (chest_pain)
  212. Cramps (cramps)
  213. Rash (rash)
  214. Headache (headache)
  215. Abdominal Pain (abdominal_pain)
  216. Fatigue (fatigue)
  217. Malaise (malaise)
  218. Infection (infection)
  219. One-Eyed (one_eyed)
  220. One-Handed (one_handed)
  221. One-Legged (one_legged)
  222. Disfigured (disfigured)
  223. Mangled (mangled)
  224. Severely Injured (severely_injured)
  225. Flu (flu)
  226. Dysentery (dysentery)
  227. Gout (gout)
  228. Food Poisoning (food_poisoning)
  229. Rabies (rabies)
  230. Cancer (cancer)
  231. Immortal (immortal)
  232. Valhalla Bound (valhalla_bound)
  233. Ravager (ravager)
  234. Sea King (seaking)
  235. Dancing Plague (dancing_plague)
  236. Shieldmaiden (shieldmaiden)
  237. Renowned Physician (physician)
  238. Scurvy (scurvy)
  239. None (sick_incapable)
  240. None (cannot_marry)
  241. Sea Queen (sea_queen)
  242. Eagle Knight (eagle_warrior)
  243. Warrior of the Sun (sun_warrior)
  244. Ukko's Hammer (ukkos_shield)
  245. Nyame's Shield (nyames_shield)
  246. Perun's Chosen (peruns_chosen)
  247. Hound of Dievas (romuvas_own)
  248. Ares' Own (ares_own)
  249. Skylord (tengri_warrior)
  250. Kanai (shaddai)
  251. Gond-i Shahanshah (gondi_shahansha)
  252. Cannibal (cannibal_trait)
  253. Lover's Pox (lovers_pox)
  254. None (disinherited)
  255. Muni (muni)
  256. Aryika (aryika)
  257. Bhikkhu (bhikkhu)
  258. Bhikkuni (bhikkhuni)
  259. Sanyasi (sanyasi)
  260. Sanyasini (sanyasini)
  261. Pilgrim (indian_pilgrim)
  262. On pilgrimage (on_indian_pilgrimage)
  263. Vohunazga Guardian (masterless_dog)
  264. House Dog (house_dog)
  265. Vanghapara Pet (hedgehog)
  266. Sag-e Aabi Guardian (otter)
  267. Cat (cat)
  268. Way of the Dragon (master_of_flame)
  269. Way of the Dog (logistics_expert)
  270. Way of the Tiger (levy_coordinator)
  271. Way of the Leopard (sapper)
  272. Familial Kinslayer (familial_kinslayer)
  273. Dynastic Kinslayer (dynastic_kinslayer)
  274. On Kowtow (kow_tow_travels)
  275. Kowtow (kow_tow_completed_tier_1)
  276. Kowtow (kow_tow_completed_tier_2)
  277. Kowtow (kow_tow_completed_tier_3)
  278. Giant (giant)
  279. Crowned by a Bishop (crowned_by_priest)
  280. Crowned by [Root.GetCrownedByName] (crowned_by_bishop)
  281. Crowned by [Root.GetCrownedByName] (crowned_by_pope)
  282. Self-Crowned (crowned_by_myself)
  283. Uncrowned (uncrowned)
  284. On a Journey (travelling)
  285. Final Months (pregnancy_finishing)
  286. Difficult Pregnancy (hard_pregnancy)
  287. Troubled Pregnancy (troubled_pregnancy)
  288. Freckles (freckles)
  289. Sturdy (sturdy)
  290. Fat (is_fat)
  291. Malnourished (is_malnourished)
  292. Baptized by [Root.GetBaptizedByName] (baptized_by_pope)
  293. Baptized by [Root.GetBaptizedByName] (baptized_by_bishop)
  294. Baptized by [baptizing_satanist_per.GetTitledFirstName] (baptized_by_satan)
  295. Baptized by [Root.GetBaptizedByName] (baptized_by_patriarch)
  296. Fearsome (norse_leader)
  297. Marauder (tengri_leader)
  298. Forest Ambusher (baltic_leader)
  299. Shield of the Tundra (finnish_leader)
  300. Pillar of the Plains (slavic_leader)
  301. Spirit Warrior (west_african_leader)
  302. Scorcher (zun_leader)
  303. Mountain Guardian (bon_leader)
  304. Aeneator (hellenic_leader)
  305. Syncretist (pagan_branch_1)
  306. Spiritualist (pagan_branch_2)
  307. Militant (pagan_branch_3)
  308. Tribalist (pagan_branch_4)
  309. None (dead_crown_hre)
  310. None (dead_crown_pahlavi)
  311. None (dead_crown_byzantine)
  312. None (dead_crown_fylkir)
  313. None (dead_crown_tengri_fylkir)
  314. None (dead_crown_finnish_fylkir)
  315. None (dead_iron_crown_lombardy)
  316. None (dead_cursed_diamond_crown)
  317. Freckles (freckles_2)
  318. Freckles (freckles_3)
  319. Freckles (freckles_4)
  320. Freckles (freckles_5)
  321. Saint (saint)
  322. Beatified (beatified)
  323. Blessed Ancestor (blessed_ancestor)
  324. Aquarius (zodiac_aquarius)
  325. Aries (zodiac_aries)
  326. Cancer (zodiac_cancer)
  327. Capricorn (zodiac_capricorn)
  328. Gemini (zodiac_gemini)
  329. Leo (zodiac_leo)
  330. Libra (zodiac_libra)
  331. Pisces (zodiac_pisces)
  332. Sagittarius (zodiac_sagittarius)
  333. Scorpio (zodiac_scorpio)
  334. Taurus (zodiac_taurus)
  335. Virgo (zodiac_virgo)
  336. None (i_used_to_be_a_player)
  337. Child of Consort (child_of_consort_male)
  338. None (dead_crown_west_african_fylkir)
  339. None (dead_crown_slavic_fylkir)
  340. None (dead_crown_romuva_fylkir)
  341. None (dead_scepter_bon_fylkir)
  342. None (dead_crown_zun_fylkir)
  343. None (dead_scepter_hellenic_fylkir)
  344. None (dead_crown_aztec_fylkir)
  345. Crusader King (crusader_king)
  346. Crusader Queen (crusader_queen)
  347. Pirate (pirate)
  348. Haemophiliac (bloodthirsty_gods_1)
  349. Haemophant (bloodthirsty_gods_2)
  350. Haemoarch (bloodthirsty_gods_3)
  351. Groomed (groomed)
  352. Uncouth (uncouth)
  353. Tribal Kinslayer (tribal_kinslayer)
  354. Kailash Guardian (kailash_guardian)
  355. Novice Diplomat (novice_diplomat)
  356. Trained Diplomat (trained_diplomat)
  357. Skilled Diplomat (skilled_diplomat)
  358. Master Diplomat (master_diplomat)
  359. Novice Fighter (poor_warrior)
  360. Trained Fighter (trained_warrior)
  361. Skilled Fighter (skilled_warrior)
  362. Formidable Fighter (master_warrior)
  363. Tall (tall)
  364. Agile (agile)
  365. Perceptive (perceptive)
  366. Silver Tongue (melodious_voice)
  367. Powerful Voice (powerful_voice)
  368. Calm Voice (calm_voice)
  369. Ambidextrous (ambidextrous)
  370. Lefthanded (lefthanded)
  371. Wrymouth (wrymouth)
  372. Deaf (deaf)
  373. Absent-Minded (absentminded)
  374. Fertile (fertile)
  375. Imposing (imposing)
  376. Mother of the Universe (isis)
  377. Traveling (traveling)
  378. Lucky Ruler (lucky_ruler)
  379. Conqueror (conqueror)
  380. Respected Commander (commander1)
  381. Distinguished Commander (commander2)
  382. Renowned Commander (commander3)
  383. Legendary Commander (commander4)
  384. Raider (raider)
  385. Roma Victrix (roma_victrix)
  386. Loyalist (pf_loyalist)
  387. Neutral (pf_neutral)
  388. Rebel (pf_rebel)
  389. Imperial Bureaucrat (imperial_bureaucrat)
  390. Imperial Courtier (imperial_courtier)
  391. Imperial Guard (imperial_guard)
  392. Decadent Dynasty (dynasty_decadence_low)
  393. Very Decadent Dynasty (dynasty_decadence_med)
  394. Extremely Decadent Dynasty (dynasty_decadence_high)
  395. Adopted (adopted)
  396. Alexandrine (alexandrine)
  397. Antiochian (antiochene)
  398. Court Anarchy (court_anarchy)
  399. Cult of Lucifer (cult_of_lucifer)
  400. Desert Father (desert_father)
  401. Desert Mother (desert_mother)
  402. Doctores (doctores)
  403. Ajawid (druze_ajawid)
  404. Juhhal (druze_juhhal)
  405. Uqqal (druze_uqqal)
  406. Diwan Poet (hurufi_diwan)
  407. Sufi Initiate (hurufi_mystic_a)
  408. Sufi Adept (hurufi_mystic_b)
  409. Sufi Master (hurufi_mystic_c)
  410. Icon-Breaker (iconoclast_trait)
  411. [ismaili.GetName] Claimant (imamah_claimant)
  412. Kafir (kharijite_kafir)
  413. Koasasa (koasasa_taus)
  414. Koasasa (koasasa_israfel)
  415. Koasasa (koasasa_azrael)
  416. Koasasa (koasasa_mihael)
  417. Koasasa (koasasa_dardael)
  418. Koasasa (koasasa_samael)
  419. Koasasa (koasasa_nurael)
  420. Perfection (messalian_master)
  421. Novellani (novellani)
  422. Perfecti (perfecti)
  423. Has Been Reincarnated (reincarnated)
  424. Sandaliati (sandaliati)
  425. [yazidi.GetName] Pilgrim (yazidi_pilgrim)
  426. Crowned By The Pope (emf_crowned_by_pope)
  427. Crowned (emf_crowned)
  428. Strong [Root.GetTitle] (strong_basileus)
  429. Coronated [Root.GetTitle] (weak_basileus)
  430. Saint (emf_saint)
  431. Martyr (martyr)
  432. Paragon (paragon)
  433. Famous Beauty (beauty)
  434. Sterile (sterile_secret)
  435. Sterile (sterile_known)
  436. Infertile (infertile)
  437. HIDDEN (Saint Mended a Schism) (emf_saint_schism)
  438. HIDDEN (Saint Converted an Important Ruler) (emf_saint_converter)
  439. HIDDEN (Saint Brought New Faith to Their Realm) (emf_saint_converted)
  440. HIDDEN (Saint Could Hear the Voice of God) (emf_saint_voice_jesus)
  441. HIDDEN (Saint Was a True Christian Knight) (emf_saint_true_knight)
  442. HIDDEN (Saint Was Leader of Religion) (emf_saint_religion_head)
  443. Cannot Inherit (emf_cannot_inherit)
  444. Karling Usurper (karling_usurper)
  445. Peasant Ruler (peasant_ruler)
  446. Seljuk Invader (emf_seljuk_invader)
  447. None (scarred_type_1)
  448. None (scarred_type_2)
  449. None (scarred_type_3)
  450. None (scarred_type_4)
  451. None (scarred_type_5)
  452. None (scarred_type_6)
  453. None (scarred_type_7)
  454. None (scarred_type_8)
  455. None (scarred_type_9)
  456. None (scarred_type_10)
  457. Grievously Scarred (scarred_mid)
  458. Horrifically Scarred (scarred_high)
  459. None (african_tattoo_1)
  460. None (african_tattoo_2)
  461. None (african_tattoo_3)
  462. None (african_tattoo_4)
  463. None (african_tattoo_5)
  464. None (african_tattoo_6)
  465. None (african_tattoo_7)
  466. None (african_tattoo_8)
  467. None (norse_tattoo_1)
  468. None (norse_tattoo_2)
  469. None (norse_tattoo_3)
  470. None (norse_tattoo_4)
  471. None (norse_tattoo_5)
  472. None (norse_tattoo_6)
  473. None (slavic_tattoo_1)
  474. None (slavic_tattoo_2)
  475. None (slavic_tattoo_3)
  476. None (slavic_tattoo_4)
  477. None (slavic_tattoo_5)
  478. None (slavic_tattoo_6)
  479. None (african_tattoo_9)
  480. None (african_tattoo_10)
  481. None (african_tattoo_11)
  482. None (african_tattoo_12)
  483. Gladiator (gladiator)
  484. Short (short)
  485. Tiny (tiny)
  486. Comely (comely)
  487. Homely (homely)
  488. Bright (bright)
  489. Dim (dim)
  490. Burly (burly)
  491. Delicate (delicate)
  492. +1 Year (age_1)
  493. +2 Years (age_2)
  494. +4 Years (age_4)
  495. +8 Years (age_8)
  496. +16 Years (age_16)
  497. +32 Years (age_32)
  498. Customize Ruler Dynasty (emf_customize_ruler)
  • 1
  • 1


High Elder Ash

Second Lieutenant

7 Badges

Dec 31, 2015
  • Updated list of traits (104)
  • Updated list of traits (105)
  • Updated list of traits (106)
  • Updated list of traits (107)
  • Updated list of traits (108)
  • Updated list of traits (109)
  • Updated list of traits (110)
  • May 7, 2019
  • Add bookmark
  • #3

zijistark said:

EMF is the only module in HIP that defines new traits (though a few have been ported to standalone SWMH so that we can assign them in history files and such without spurious error messages in the logs).

I've computed the full EMF trait list for you, along with their savegame IDs, for all of the traits that the EMF Beta provides. Note that the EMF Beta provides several extra congenital traits (ranging inclusively from Short to Delicate) at the end of the list (not counting the temporary Ruler Designer customization traits at very end of the list) that have not yet been released. That is, they're not in EMF v9.05 / HIP Furry6, but they will be in EMF v9.06 / HIP Furry7. All other IDs are unaffected, since the next EMF version will of course be save-compatible, and that means we can only add to the end of the ID range for non-temporary traits.

Maybe be a superstar and update the wiki accordingly?

  1. Amateurish Plotter (amateurish_plotter)
  2. Flamboyant Schemer (flamboyant_schemer)
  3. Intricate Webweaver (intricate_webweaver)
  4. Elusive Shadow (elusive_shadow)
  5. Naive Appeaser (naive_appeaser)
  6. Underhanded Rogue (underhanded_rogue)
  7. Charismatic Negotiator (charismatic_negotiator)
  8. Grey Eminence (grey_eminence)
  9. Indulgent Wastrel (indulgent_wastrel)
  10. Thrifty Clerk (thrifty_clerk)
  11. Fortune Builder (fortune_builder)
  12. Midas Touched (midas_touched)
  13. Misguided Warrior (misguided_warrior)
  14. Tough Soldier (tough_soldier)
  15. Skilled Tactician (skilled_tactician)
  16. Brilliant Strategist (brilliant_strategist)
  17. Detached Priest (detached_priest)
  18. Dutiful Cleric (martial_cleric)
  19. Scholarly Theologian (scholarly_theologian)
  20. Mastermind Theologian (mastermind_theologian)
  21. Stressed (stressed)
  22. Depressed (depressed)
  23. Lunatic (lunatic)
  24. Possessed (possessed)
  25. Ill (ill)
  26. Pneumonic (pneumonic)
  27. Gonorrhea (syphilitic)
  28. Leper (leper)
  29. Wounded (wounded)
  30. Maimed (maimed)
  31. Infirm (infirm)
  32. Incapable (incapable)
  33. Drunkard (drunkard)
  34. Consumption (has_tuberculosis)
  35. Has Slow Fever (has_typhoid_fever)
  36. Camp Fever (has_typhus)
  37. The Plague (has_bubonic_plague)
  38. Measles (has_measles)
  39. Smallpox (has_small_pox)
  40. Crusader (crusader)
  41. Bastard (bastard)
  42. Twin (twin)
  43. Legitimized Bastard (legit_bastard)
  44. Pregnant (pregnant)
  45. Excommunicated (excommunicated)
  46. Kinslayer (kinslayer)
  47. hom*osexual (hom*osexual)
  48. Clubfooted (clubfooted)
  49. Harelip (harelip)
  50. Hunchback (hunchback)
  51. Lisp (lisp)
  52. Stutter (stutter)
  53. Attractive (fair)
  54. Ugly (ugly)
  55. Dwarf (dwarf)
  56. Genius (genius)
  57. Quick (quick)
  58. Slow (slow)
  59. Imbecile (imbecile)
  60. Inbred (inbred)
  61. Strong (strong)
  62. Weak (weak)
  63. Celibate (celibate)
  64. Hedonist (hedonist)
  65. Scholar (scholar)
  66. Gardener (gardener)
  67. Mystic (mystic)
  68. Impaler (impaler)
  69. Duelist (duelist)
  70. Hunter (hunter)
  71. Poet (poet)
  72. Falconer (falconer)
  73. Lustful (lustful)
  74. Chaste (chaste)
  75. Gluttonous (gluttonous)
  76. Temperate (temperate)
  77. Greedy (greedy)
  78. Charitable (charitable)
  79. Slothful (slothful)
  80. Diligent (diligent)
  81. Envious (envious)
  82. Kind (kind)
  83. Wroth (wroth)
  84. Patient (patient)
  85. Proud (proud)
  86. Humble (humble)
  87. Deceitful (deceitful)
  88. Honest (honest)
  89. Craven (craven)
  90. Brave (brave)
  91. Shy (shy)
  92. Gregarious (gregarious)
  93. Ambitious (ambitious)
  94. Content (content)
  95. Arbitrary (arbitrary)
  96. Just (just)
  97. Cynical (cynical)
  98. Zealous (zealous)
  99. Paranoid (paranoid)
  100. Trusting (trusting)
  101. Cruel (cruel)
  102. Light Foot Leader (light_foot_leader)
  103. Heavy Infantry Leader (heavy_infantry_leader)
  104. Cavalry Leader (cavalry_leader)
  105. Inspiring Leader (inspiring_leader)
  106. Trickster (trickster)
  107. Organizer (organizer)
  108. Defender (defensive_leader)
  109. Direct Leader (experimenter)
  110. Flanker (flanker)
  111. Aggressive Leader (aggressive_leader)
  112. Siege Leader (siege_leader)
  113. Mujahid (mujahid)
  114. Hajajj (hajjaj)
  115. On Hajj (on_hajj)
  116. Faqih (faqih)
  117. Hafiz (hafiz)
  118. Sayyid (sayyid)
  119. Pilgrim (pilgrim)
  120. Mirza (mirza)
  121. Scarred (scarred)
  122. Eunuch (eunuch)
  123. Blinded (blinded)
  124. Born in the Purple (born_in_the_purple)
  125. Augustus (augustus)
  126. Flat Terrain Expert (flat_terrain_leader)
  127. Rough Terrain Expert (rough_terrain_leader)
  128. Mountain Expert (mountain_terrain_leader)
  129. Desert Expert (desert_terrain_leader)
  130. Holy Warrior (holy_warrior)
  131. Unyielding (unyielding_leader)
  132. Syphilitic (has_aztec_disease)
  133. Child of Concubine (child_of_consort)
  134. Peasant Leader (peasant_leader)
  135. Heresiarch (heresiarch)
  136. Berserker (berserker)
  137. Varangian (varangian)
  138. Saoshyant (saoshyant)
  139. Saoshyant Descendant (saoshyant_descendant)
  140. Viking (viking)
  141. Monk (monk)
  142. Nun (nun)
  143. On pilgrimage (on_pilgrimage)
  144. Sickly (sickly)
  145. Mu'tazilite (mutazilite)
  146. Ash'ari (ashari)
  147. Sympathy for [christian.GetGroupName] religions (sympathy_christendom)
  148. Sympathy for [muslim.GetGroupName] religions (sympathy_islam)
  149. Sympathy for [pagan_group.GetGroupName] religions (sympathy_pagans)
  150. Sympathy for [zoroastrian_group.GetGroupName] religions (sympathy_zoroastrianism)
  151. Sympathy for [jewish.GetName] religions (sympathy_judaism)
  152. Wicked Priest (bad_priest_christian)
  153. Wicked Caliph (bad_priest_muslim)
  154. Unworthy Priest (bad_priest_norse)
  155. Unworthy Priest (bad_priest_tengri)
  156. Immoral Priest (bad_priest_zoroastrian)
  157. Unworthy Priest (bad_priest_aztec)
  158. Battlefield Terrain Master (narrow_flank_leader)
  159. Brahmin (brahmin)
  160. Kshatriya (kshatriya)
  161. Vaishya (vaishya)
  162. Sympathy for [indian_group.GetGroupName] religions (sympathy_indian)
  163. Shaivist (shaivist_hindu)
  164. Vaishnavist (vaishnavist_hindu)
  165. Shaktist (shaktist_hindu)
  166. Smartist (smartist_hindu)
  167. Mahayana [buddhist.GetName] (mahayana_buddhist)
  168. Vajrayana [buddhist.GetName] (vajrayana_buddhist)
  169. Theravada [buddhist.GetName] (theravada_buddhist)
  170. Digambara [jain.GetName] (digambara_jain)
  171. Svetambara [jain.GetName] (svetambara_jain)
  172. Decadent (decadent)
  173. Reincarnation of [Reincarnation.GetBestName] (reincarnation)
  174. War Elephant Leader (war_elephant_leader)
  175. Jungle Expert (jungle_terrain_leader)
  176. In Hiding (in_hiding)
  177. Winter Soldier (winter_soldier)
  178. Master Seducer (seducer)
  179. Master Seductress (seductress)
  180. Administrator (administrator)
  181. Architect (architect)
  182. Strategist (strategist)
  183. Socializer (socializer)
  184. Master Schemer (schemer)
  185. Theologian (theologian)
  186. Game Master (gamer)
  187. Adventurer (adventurer)
  188. Erudite (erudite)
  189. Stubborn (stubborn)
  190. Haughty (haughty)
  191. Affectionate (affectionate)
  192. Timid (timid)
  193. Rowdy (rowdy)
  194. Willful (willful)
  195. Brooding (brooding)
  196. Indolent (indolent)
  197. Playful (playful)
  198. Conscientious (conscientious)
  199. Fussy (fussy)
  200. Curious (curious)
  201. Idolizer (idolizer)
  202. Horse (horse)
  203. Brawny (robust)
  204. Frail (feeble)
  205. Shrewd (shrewd)
  206. Dull (dull)
  207. Cough (cough)
  208. Fever (fever)
  209. Diarrhea (diarrhea)
  210. Vomiting (vomiting)
  211. Chest Pains (chest_pain)
  212. Cramps (cramps)
  213. Rash (rash)
  214. Headache (headache)
  215. Abdominal Pain (abdominal_pain)
  216. Fatigue (fatigue)
  217. Malaise (malaise)
  218. Infection (infection)
  219. One-Eyed (one_eyed)
  220. One-Handed (one_handed)
  221. One-Legged (one_legged)
  222. Disfigured (disfigured)
  223. Mangled (mangled)
  224. Severely Injured (severely_injured)
  225. Flu (flu)
  226. Dysentery (dysentery)
  227. Gout (gout)
  228. Food Poisoning (food_poisoning)
  229. Rabies (rabies)
  230. Cancer (cancer)
  231. Immortal (immortal)
  232. Valhalla Bound (valhalla_bound)
  233. Ravager (ravager)
  234. Sea King (seaking)
  235. Dancing Plague (dancing_plague)
  236. Shieldmaiden (shieldmaiden)
  237. Renowned Physician (physician)
  238. Scurvy (scurvy)
  239. None (sick_incapable)
  240. None (cannot_marry)
  241. Sea Queen (sea_queen)
  242. Eagle Knight (eagle_warrior)
  243. Warrior of the Sun (sun_warrior)
  244. Ukko's Hammer (ukkos_shield)
  245. Nyame's Shield (nyames_shield)
  246. Perun's Chosen (peruns_chosen)
  247. Hound of Dievas (romuvas_own)
  248. Ares' Own (ares_own)
  249. Skylord (tengri_warrior)
  250. Kanai (shaddai)
  251. Gond-i Shahanshah (gondi_shahansha)
  252. Cannibal (cannibal_trait)
  253. Lover's Pox (lovers_pox)
  254. None (disinherited)
  255. Muni (muni)
  256. Aryika (aryika)
  257. Bhikkhu (bhikkhu)
  258. Bhikkuni (bhikkhuni)
  259. Sanyasi (sanyasi)
  260. Sanyasini (sanyasini)
  261. Pilgrim (indian_pilgrim)
  262. On pilgrimage (on_indian_pilgrimage)
  263. Vohunazga Guardian (masterless_dog)
  264. House Dog (house_dog)
  265. Vanghapara Pet (hedgehog)
  266. Sag-e Aabi Guardian (otter)
  267. Cat (cat)
  268. Way of the Dragon (master_of_flame)
  269. Way of the Dog (logistics_expert)
  270. Way of the Tiger (levy_coordinator)
  271. Way of the Leopard (sapper)
  272. Familial Kinslayer (familial_kinslayer)
  273. Dynastic Kinslayer (dynastic_kinslayer)
  274. On Kowtow (kow_tow_travels)
  275. Kowtow (kow_tow_completed_tier_1)
  276. Kowtow (kow_tow_completed_tier_2)
  277. Kowtow (kow_tow_completed_tier_3)
  278. Giant (giant)
  279. Crowned by a Bishop (crowned_by_priest)
  280. Crowned by [Root.GetCrownedByName] (crowned_by_bishop)
  281. Crowned by [Root.GetCrownedByName] (crowned_by_pope)
  282. Self-Crowned (crowned_by_myself)
  283. Uncrowned (uncrowned)
  284. On a Journey (travelling)
  285. Final Months (pregnancy_finishing)
  286. Difficult Pregnancy (hard_pregnancy)
  287. Troubled Pregnancy (troubled_pregnancy)
  288. Freckles (freckles)
  289. Sturdy (sturdy)
  290. Fat (is_fat)
  291. Malnourished (is_malnourished)
  292. Baptized by [Root.GetBaptizedByName] (baptized_by_pope)
  293. Baptized by [Root.GetBaptizedByName] (baptized_by_bishop)
  294. Baptized by [baptizing_satanist_per.GetTitledFirstName] (baptized_by_satan)
  295. Baptized by [Root.GetBaptizedByName] (baptized_by_patriarch)
  296. Fearsome (norse_leader)
  297. Marauder (tengri_leader)
  298. Forest Ambusher (baltic_leader)
  299. Shield of the Tundra (finnish_leader)
  300. Pillar of the Plains (slavic_leader)
  301. Spirit Warrior (west_african_leader)
  302. Scorcher (zun_leader)
  303. Mountain Guardian (bon_leader)
  304. Aeneator (hellenic_leader)
  305. Syncretist (pagan_branch_1)
  306. Spiritualist (pagan_branch_2)
  307. Militant (pagan_branch_3)
  308. Tribalist (pagan_branch_4)
  309. None (dead_crown_hre)
  310. None (dead_crown_pahlavi)
  311. None (dead_crown_byzantine)
  312. None (dead_crown_fylkir)
  313. None (dead_crown_tengri_fylkir)
  314. None (dead_crown_finnish_fylkir)
  315. None (dead_iron_crown_lombardy)
  316. None (dead_cursed_diamond_crown)
  317. Freckles (freckles_2)
  318. Freckles (freckles_3)
  319. Freckles (freckles_4)
  320. Freckles (freckles_5)
  321. Saint (saint)
  322. Beatified (beatified)
  323. Blessed Ancestor (blessed_ancestor)
  324. Aquarius (zodiac_aquarius)
  325. Aries (zodiac_aries)
  326. Cancer (zodiac_cancer)
  327. Capricorn (zodiac_capricorn)
  328. Gemini (zodiac_gemini)
  329. Leo (zodiac_leo)
  330. Libra (zodiac_libra)
  331. Pisces (zodiac_pisces)
  332. Sagittarius (zodiac_sagittarius)
  333. Scorpio (zodiac_scorpio)
  334. Taurus (zodiac_taurus)
  335. Virgo (zodiac_virgo)
  336. None (i_used_to_be_a_player)
  337. Child of Consort (child_of_consort_male)
  338. None (dead_crown_west_african_fylkir)
  339. None (dead_crown_slavic_fylkir)
  340. None (dead_crown_romuva_fylkir)
  341. None (dead_scepter_bon_fylkir)
  342. None (dead_crown_zun_fylkir)
  343. None (dead_scepter_hellenic_fylkir)
  344. None (dead_crown_aztec_fylkir)
  345. Crusader King (crusader_king)
  346. Crusader Queen (crusader_queen)
  347. Pirate (pirate)
  348. Haemophiliac (bloodthirsty_gods_1)
  349. Haemophant (bloodthirsty_gods_2)
  350. Haemoarch (bloodthirsty_gods_3)
  351. Groomed (groomed)
  352. Uncouth (uncouth)
  353. Tribal Kinslayer (tribal_kinslayer)
  354. Kailash Guardian (kailash_guardian)
  355. Novice Diplomat (novice_diplomat)
  356. Trained Diplomat (trained_diplomat)
  357. Skilled Diplomat (skilled_diplomat)
  358. Master Diplomat (master_diplomat)
  359. Novice Fighter (poor_warrior)
  360. Trained Fighter (trained_warrior)
  361. Skilled Fighter (skilled_warrior)
  362. Formidable Fighter (master_warrior)
  363. Tall (tall)
  364. Agile (agile)
  365. Perceptive (perceptive)
  366. Silver Tongue (melodious_voice)
  367. Powerful Voice (powerful_voice)
  368. Calm Voice (calm_voice)
  369. Ambidextrous (ambidextrous)
  370. Lefthanded (lefthanded)
  371. Wrymouth (wrymouth)
  372. Deaf (deaf)
  373. Absent-Minded (absentminded)
  374. Fertile (fertile)
  375. Imposing (imposing)
  376. Mother of the Universe (isis)
  377. Traveling (traveling)
  378. Lucky Ruler (lucky_ruler)
  379. Conqueror (conqueror)
  380. Respected Commander (commander1)
  381. Distinguished Commander (commander2)
  382. Renowned Commander (commander3)
  383. Legendary Commander (commander4)
  384. Raider (raider)
  385. Roma Victrix (roma_victrix)
  386. Loyalist (pf_loyalist)
  387. Neutral (pf_neutral)
  388. Rebel (pf_rebel)
  389. Imperial Bureaucrat (imperial_bureaucrat)
  390. Imperial Courtier (imperial_courtier)
  391. Imperial Guard (imperial_guard)
  392. Decadent Dynasty (dynasty_decadence_low)
  393. Very Decadent Dynasty (dynasty_decadence_med)
  394. Extremely Decadent Dynasty (dynasty_decadence_high)
  395. Adopted (adopted)
  396. Alexandrine (alexandrine)
  397. Antiochian (antiochene)
  398. Court Anarchy (court_anarchy)
  399. Cult of Lucifer (cult_of_lucifer)
  400. Desert Father (desert_father)
  401. Desert Mother (desert_mother)
  402. Doctores (doctores)
  403. Ajawid (druze_ajawid)
  404. Juhhal (druze_juhhal)
  405. Uqqal (druze_uqqal)
  406. Diwan Poet (hurufi_diwan)
  407. Sufi Initiate (hurufi_mystic_a)
  408. Sufi Adept (hurufi_mystic_b)
  409. Sufi Master (hurufi_mystic_c)
  410. Icon-Breaker (iconoclast_trait)
  411. [ismaili.GetName] Claimant (imamah_claimant)
  412. Kafir (kharijite_kafir)
  413. Koasasa (koasasa_taus)
  414. Koasasa (koasasa_israfel)
  415. Koasasa (koasasa_azrael)
  416. Koasasa (koasasa_mihael)
  417. Koasasa (koasasa_dardael)
  418. Koasasa (koasasa_samael)
  419. Koasasa (koasasa_nurael)
  420. Perfection (messalian_master)
  421. Novellani (novellani)
  422. Perfecti (perfecti)
  423. Has Been Reincarnated (reincarnated)
  424. Sandaliati (sandaliati)
  425. [yazidi.GetName] Pilgrim (yazidi_pilgrim)
  426. Crowned By The Pope (emf_crowned_by_pope)
  427. Crowned (emf_crowned)
  428. Strong [Root.GetTitle] (strong_basileus)
  429. Coronated [Root.GetTitle] (weak_basileus)
  430. Saint (emf_saint)
  431. Martyr (martyr)
  432. Paragon (paragon)
  433. Famous Beauty (beauty)
  434. Sterile (sterile_secret)
  435. Sterile (sterile_known)
  436. Infertile (infertile)
  437. HIDDEN (Saint Mended a Schism) (emf_saint_schism)
  438. HIDDEN (Saint Converted an Important Ruler) (emf_saint_converter)
  439. HIDDEN (Saint Brought New Faith to Their Realm) (emf_saint_converted)
  440. HIDDEN (Saint Could Hear the Voice of God) (emf_saint_voice_jesus)
  441. HIDDEN (Saint Was a True Christian Knight) (emf_saint_true_knight)
  442. HIDDEN (Saint Was Leader of Religion) (emf_saint_religion_head)
  443. Cannot Inherit (emf_cannot_inherit)
  444. Karling Usurper (karling_usurper)
  445. Peasant Ruler (peasant_ruler)
  446. Seljuk Invader (emf_seljuk_invader)
  447. None (scarred_type_1)
  448. None (scarred_type_2)
  449. None (scarred_type_3)
  450. None (scarred_type_4)
  451. None (scarred_type_5)
  452. None (scarred_type_6)
  453. None (scarred_type_7)
  454. None (scarred_type_8)
  455. None (scarred_type_9)
  456. None (scarred_type_10)
  457. Grievously Scarred (scarred_mid)
  458. Horrifically Scarred (scarred_high)
  459. None (african_tattoo_1)
  460. None (african_tattoo_2)
  461. None (african_tattoo_3)
  462. None (african_tattoo_4)
  463. None (african_tattoo_5)
  464. None (african_tattoo_6)
  465. None (african_tattoo_7)
  466. None (african_tattoo_8)
  467. None (norse_tattoo_1)
  468. None (norse_tattoo_2)
  469. None (norse_tattoo_3)
  470. None (norse_tattoo_4)
  471. None (norse_tattoo_5)
  472. None (norse_tattoo_6)
  473. None (slavic_tattoo_1)
  474. None (slavic_tattoo_2)
  475. None (slavic_tattoo_3)
  476. None (slavic_tattoo_4)
  477. None (slavic_tattoo_5)
  478. None (slavic_tattoo_6)
  479. None (african_tattoo_9)
  480. None (african_tattoo_10)
  481. None (african_tattoo_11)
  482. None (african_tattoo_12)
  483. Gladiator (gladiator)
  484. Short (short)
  485. Tiny (tiny)
  486. Comely (comely)
  487. Homely (homely)
  488. Bright (bright)
  489. Dim (dim)
  490. Burly (burly)
  491. Delicate (delicate)
  492. +1 Year (age_1)
  493. +2 Years (age_2)
  494. +4 Years (age_4)
  495. +8 Years (age_8)
  496. +16 Years (age_16)
  497. +32 Years (age_32)
  498. Customize Ruler Dynasty (emf_customize_ruler)


  • 1Updated list of traits (111)




55 Badges

Mar 31, 2006
  • Updated list of traits (113)
  • Updated list of traits (114)
  • Updated list of traits (115)
  • Updated list of traits (116)
  • Updated list of traits (117)
  • Updated list of traits (118)
  • Updated list of traits (119)
  • Updated list of traits (120)
  • Updated list of traits (121)
  • Updated list of traits (122)
  • Updated list of traits (123)
  • Updated list of traits (124)
  • Updated list of traits (125)
  • Updated list of traits (126)
  • Updated list of traits (127)
  • Updated list of traits (128)
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  • Updated list of traits (130)
  • Updated list of traits (131)
  • Updated list of traits (132)
  • Updated list of traits (133)
  • Updated list of traits (134)
  • Updated list of traits (135)
  • Updated list of traits (136)
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  • May 11, 2019
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  • #4

zijistark said:

EMF is the only module in HIP that defines new traits (though a few have been ported to standalone SWMH so that we can assign them in history files and such without spurious error messages in the logs).

I wanted to thank you for this.

  • 1Updated list of traits (163)


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Updated list of traits (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Views: 6138

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.