Los Angeles Organizations Committed to Black Lives (2024)

The Liberty Hill Foundation encourages donors to make longterm commitments to a broad landscape of grassroots organizations fighting anti-Black racism and police violence. These recent Liberty Hill grantees and community partnersorganize for Black lives and advocate for criminal justice reforms throughout Los Angeles County.

ACCE Institute
The mission of the ACCE Institute is to improve the lives of California's traditionally underserved residents, including communities of color, low-income and working families, and the undocumented population, by carrying out work that fosters deep, indigenous leadership development, policy creation, robust civic participation, and broad community empowerment.

The Anti-Recidivism Coalition
Anti-Recidivism Coalition (ARC) works to change lives and create safe, healthy communities by providing a support and advocacy network for, and comprised of formerly incarcerated men and women. ARC provides services, support and opportunities to currently and formerly incarcerated individuals and advocates for criminal justice reform

All of Us or None, a project within A New Way of Life
All of Us or None is a grassroots civil and human rights organization fighting for the rights of formerly-and currently-incarcerated people and their families. AOUON fights discrimination faced by people affected by mass incarceration and the growth of the prison-industrical complex.

Black Women for Wellness
Black Women for Wellness is committed to the health and well-being of Black women and girls through health education, empowerment, and advocacy. BWW organizes advocacy and programs for reproductive justice, environmental justice, access to quality prenatal, maternal, and child health care, voter mobilization, and civic engagement.

The California Black Census and Redistricting Hub
The California Black Census and Redistricting Hub is a network of over 30 Black-led and Black-serving organizations across the state focused on maximizing participation in the upcoming census and redistricting process among hard to count Black communities. Using a mix of training, strategic communications, data, grassroots organizing and community engagement, the Hub will prepare its network of organizations to conduct targeted and tailored field outreach campaigns to educate, motivate and activate the voices of thousands of Black Californians throughout the census and redistricting process.

Children's Defense Fund - CA
The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) is a non-profit child advocacy organization that champions policies and programs that lift children out of poverty, protects them from abuse and neglect, and ensures their access to health care, quality education and a moral and spiritual foundation.

Community Asset Development Re-Defining Education
CADRE centers their work on supporting efforts to strengthen the solidarity between African American and Latino parents to resist the criminalization of youth in our schools through policy change.

Community Coalition
Community Coalition's mission is to win policy and budget campaigns that rebuild local economies, schools and neighborhoods to reduce the impact of mass incarceration on poor and working class communities of color.

Dignity and Power Now
Dignity and Power Now implements and supports groundbreaking work to organize formerly incarcerated people, their families and communities to end the violence of and overreliance on incarceration in Los Angeles County.

InnerCity Struggle
InnerCity Struggle's organizing strategy aims to improve the quality of education for the Eastside and district-wide communities of Los Angeles through its United Students and Padres Unidos organizing components. InnerCity Struggle is an anchor organization for the Brothers Sons Selves coalition, working to empower Black and Brown young men.

Holman United Methodist Church
The Holman United Methodist Church seeks to support community-led transformations through faith-based strategies and community organizing. With a predominantly African American congregation, Holman United Methodist Church boasts a long history of activism around racial justice in Los Angeles.

Labor Community Strategy Center
The Strategy Center is a Think Tank/Act Tank for regional, national and international movement building, founded in 1989 and based in the 10 million-person world city of Los Angeles. Campaigns, projects, and publications are rooted in working class communities of color, and address the totality of urban life with a particular focus on civil rights, environmental justice, public health, global warming, and the criminal legal system.

LA Voice
LA Voice supports congregation-based organizing efforts in key campaigns in voter education, affordable housing and homelessness, criminal justice reform and immigration.

Los Angeles Black Worker Center
The Los Angeles Black Worker Center develops organized power and authentic grassroots leadership among Black workers to reverse the disproportionate levels of unemployment and underemployment in the Los Angeles Black community.

Los Angeles Brotherhood Crusade, Inc.
The Brotherhood Crusade's mission is to meet the unmet needs of low-income, marginalized, and disenfranchised community members by providing support and resources to overcome the social and economic barriers that impact quality of life.

Los Angeles Community Action Network
Los Angeles Community Action Network's (LA CAN) mission is to help people dealing with poverty create and discover opportunities, while serving as a vehicle to ensure community members have a voice, power, and opinion in the decisions that are directly affecting them.

Social Justice Learning Institute & Uplift Inglewood
Social Justice Learning Institute is dedicated to improving the education, health, and wellbeing of youth and communities of color by empowering them to enact social change through research, training, and community mobilization. SJLI is also the hub for Uplift Inglewood.

Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education
SCOPE builds grassroots power to advocate for jobs and equitable public investments in low-income communities through voter engagement strategies, strategic alliance building and regional collaboration.

Students Deserve
Students Deserve is working towards Making Black Lives Matter in Schools. We want schools to divest from criminalization and policing. We want schools to invest in us as Black, Muslim, undocumented, indigenous, and queer youth in poor and working class communities of color.

Urban Peace Institute
The Urban Peace Institute (UPI) is a recognized leader in the field of community safety, just policing, and systems reform to end violence and mass incarceration. UPI has worked to develop and implement innovative solutions to address community violence and engage in system reform.

Youth Justice Coalition
The Youth Justice Coalition is working to build a youth, family and formerly and currently incarcerated people's movement to challenge Los Angeles’ California’s and the nation’s addiction to incarceration, and race, gender and class inequality throughout the juvenile justice systems.

Read our statement on the death of George Floyd

Los Angeles Organizations Committed to Black Lives (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.