Strawberry Choux Buns - Bake with Shivesh (2024)


Strawberry choux buns, a seemingly fancy recipe uses simple ingredients and simple methods to blow your minds away. I have recently shared on my Youtube channel all about freezing strawberries and using them in the summers. This recipe is the ideal recipe to try out your preserved strawberries. Plus, even if these strawberry choux buns seem like a difficult recipe, with the quarantine, we have all the time, no? Especially to try out new, fun, and delicious recipes. I tell you it is absolutely amazing!

Now, StrawberryChoux Buns Recipe is by far the most foolproof — from the ratio of ingredients to the method, this fancy French classic is soon to be no problem. I’m so excited for you all to master it! If you do, please don’t forget to tag me on Instagram!

Let’s talk Ingredients for these strawberry choux buns

I am pretty sure that the following ingredients are readily available or that you already have them at home! There is hardly anything complicated but let me just go ahead and brief you guys a bit about the ingredients. Sticking to the following brands ensured that my strawberry choux buns were perfect. Thus, I would recommend you to stick to the same!

  • The butter, no matter where, has to be softened/room temperature. Unless it is mentioned, please do not use melted or solid butter. I typically use Amul. This recipe uses both softened butter and solid cubed butter.
  • Best type of Sugar to be used in baking is caster sugar. The granules are perfect and blend in very well. I use the Trust brand.
  • Please ensure your food coloring is of good quality. If not, it is really harmful for your health. Some good brands are KitchenAid and CCDs.
  • You will get the best results if your eggs are at room temperature.
  • Amul Cream is ideal for your filling.

Strawberry Choux Buns - Bake with Shivesh (1)

Tips for nailing these strawberry choux buns

  1. Creaming the butter and sugar is of high importance. If you do not do this, sugar crystals will still be felt in the buns. Plus, your dough will not seem too uniform.
  2. Do not go overboard with the color. Pigments really differ in different food coloring. Make sure to use any food coloring drop by drop in these strawberry choux buns.
  3. Pre-heating is of high importance. Also, once your Strawberry choux buns are in the oven, please do not open it again and again. This releases the steam that cooks your strawberry choux buns.

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Strawberry Choux Buns


For the craquelin:

  • 150gms softenend butter
  • 150 gms caster sugar
  • 180 gms flour
  • ½tsp vanilla
  • 1tsp pink food coloring

For the Choux buns:

  • 1 cup water
  • ½ cup butter, cubed
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 4 eggs

For the Orange Cream & Strawberry filling:

  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ cup cream
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2tbsp sugar
  • ½ cup diced Strawberries


  1. Instructions:
  2. To make your craqueline, cream butter and sugar together till the mixture becomes pale.
  3. Add in vanilla essence and pink food color. Mix well. Now add in four combine everything.
  4. Roll this paste out to 1inch thickness on a baking sheet and put it in the freezer for 30mins.
  5. After its chilled, cut out circles of 3 inches.
  6. Next, pre heat your oven Preheat the oven to 200°C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  7. To make the choux pastry for the choux buns, bring the water and butter to a boil in a saucepan set over medium heat. Using salted butter for the dough prevents the buns. from cracking. Take the mixture off the heat and add all the flour at once. Mix vigorously till the dough begins to come together and forms a ball. Make sure there are no flour pockets. Immediately set the saucepan on low heat and cook the dough for another 3–5 minutes. Doing this is essential because it dries out the excess water from the dough. You’ll know it is done when you see a thin layer of starch coating the bottom of the pan.
  8. Take the dough off the heat and let it cool before adding the eggs. (Adding eggs to the hot dough will cook and curdle the eggs.) To cool the dough put it in a stand mixer with a paddle attachment and let it run on slow for a few minutes. If you don’t have a stand mixer, keep mixing the dough with a wooden spoon to let the hot steam escape.
  9. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Once you’ve added the eggs the choux pastry may look like its falling apart. Just keep mixing until it comes together.
  10. Transfer the pastry to a piping bag fitted with a 1-cm round nozzle and pipe spheres. Dip your finger in cold water and even out the shape and smoothen the top.
  11. Bake the pastry for 10 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 165°C and bake for another 20 minutes until the choux buns become rich brown in colour. It is important to bake the éclairs at the temperatures mentioned. Do not open the oven door while they are baking, otherwise they will collapse. 11. Once the choux buns are done, open the oven door just a little bit and let them cool gradually.
  12. While the choux buns are cooling down, make your filling.
  13. For the filling:
  14. In a bowl, add in egg yolks and sugar. Whisk this really well and set aside.
  15. In a saucepan, add in milk and cream. Keep your stove on medium low heat and bring this to a simmer.
  16. Once it has simmered, take it off the heat and mix in vanilla.
  17. Very slowly add the milk and cream mixture to your egg yolk and sugar mixture and whisk continuously.
  18. Once everything is combined, put this back on the stove on low medium heat and keep stirring it. The mixture will be cooked when it starts to pop bubbles on top. Take it off the heat, strain it if needed.
  19. Let this cool down completely and then add in orange zest and fold in diced strawberries.
  20. Fill your choux buns with the orange and strawberry filling.
  21. Serve immediately and enjoy!


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Reader Interactions


  1. Strawberry Choux Buns - Bake with Shivesh (3)Nidhi says

    How to make chocolate strawberry cake


  2. Strawberry Choux Buns - Bake with Shivesh (4)Rakhee says

    If I want to make this in eggless version, what can i use instead of eggs.


  3. Strawberry Choux Buns - Bake with Shivesh (5)Lydia says

    This recipe is a disaster. 1 inch thick craquelin is enormously thick!! The cream never thickens because the instructions never specify that you need to whisk the cream on its own before adding it to the other ingredients. It comes out gloopy and runny. It was a complete waste of my time and ingredients.


  4. Strawberry Choux Buns - Bake with Shivesh (6)Komal Bajaj says

    At what temperature should the choux buna be baked in the start ?
    When do we add crequelin ?


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Strawberry Choux Buns - Bake with Shivesh (2024)
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